Posts Tagged
Jewish Supremacism
High Jewish IQ Debunked — Joe Rogan Follow-Up
HERE’S A follow-up to my last video, where many tried to excuse the level of Jewish over-representation on Joe Rogan’s podcast by claiming that Jews are simply more intelligent than non-Jews. I did the research, as you will see in the video and can confirm by studying my bibliographical…
Military Commands
Chameleon “Stanton” by Douglas Mercer IN Jew York City there’s a punk rabbi named Joshua Stanton who’s blowing the Shofar to mind-numbing levels. Remember that lady who said she had fantasies of unloading a revolver in the head of any White person who got in her way? Or that…
What If the Jews Succeed?
Jewish American Communist Noel Ignatiev (real name Noel Saul Ignatin) (1940-2019), an academic pioneer of White genocide by Andrew Hamilton We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. – Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (New…
We Must Dismantle Jewish Supremacy: Silence Is Not an Option
by Thomas Dalton, PhD ON 2 June 2020, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield — the two notorious Jews of “Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream” — released a formal corporate statement entitled “We must dismantle white supremacy” (here). This appalling, duplicitous, and hypocritical bit of anti-White propaganda expresses…
They Lust to Rule the World
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 May, 2020 2020-0516 – They Lust to Rule the World.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE MEN FLYING THE PLANES were young. Many of them were deeply, even fanatically religious. They came from a foreign country…
Juden Supremacism Is Declared The Law Of The Land
WHILE THE TOPIC of a border ‘wall’ has been the cause célèbre in the ridiculous world of left/right political argument, the Zionist ‘government’ of the U.S. has, rather silently, officially ceded the cause of the ‘people’ of the U.S. to that of the Juden/Zionists. On 14 January 2019, U.S. Zionist-in-Chief,…
POC Be Sayin’: “It is our Frightful Duty to Study the Talmud”
TODAY, in poetry class, we celebrate the marginal achievements of People of Colour. No, don’t try and get out. The doors are locked. Plus, this time it’s worth staying. Alice Walker is a revered Black authoress. In my experience, revered Black authors and authoresses tend to be not very good. They usually…
Kabbalist: Jews Come “From Another Dimension” to Conquer Gentiles (You may download this video, but a better, more complete, copy of the video, without the editing and with more context, is available…
White Genocide by Design: The Role of the Mass Media in the Destruction of the European People
by Franklin Ryckaert JEWS ARE NOW perceived in many quarters as “supremacists”, a description they will naturally find offensive. Because of their “chosenness”, however, it would appear that many Jews feel entitled not only to monopolize the wealth of the world but also to appropriate its power.…
Jewish Supremacy
Those who want to dominate a multiracial society are racial supremacists; Those who want to live in a healthy, homogeneous society are racial separatists by Kevin Alfred Strom HAVE YOU EVER noticed the psychological phenomenon in which a person will often call attention to the real or imagined…