Posts Tagged
Jewish Role in Homosexuality

The Jews Behind Bros: Another Homosexual Propaganda Film
Judd Apatow Some of the images in this film overview are disturbing and should not be viewed by children or sensitive persons. by Ryan Cavallius What the Jews did and do (and cannot but do) is a consequence of what they are — and of what they remain even when they turn their backs on Jewish tradition…

Greasing the Skids
by Douglas Mercer NOT LONG AGO WHEN the word “groomers” was vaulted in to the stratosphere you could hear the Jews squealing on Alpha Centauri. And just so you know, the Jews’ pig-squealing is the surest sign that the attackers are directly over the target and dropping industrial…

Corrupting the Youth
11-year-old Desmond Napoles with “friend” and fellow “drag” performer by Douglas Mercer THEY GOT Socrates on a charge of corrupting the youth of Athens; and a righteous verdict it was. He wanted to replace the active, virile life of the Greeks with dime-store philosophers…

A Parade of Horribles
Trump and his nominee Gorsuch by Douglas Mercer WHEN, IN 1987, Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork to be on the Supreme Court, famously bad driver Edward “Teddy” Kennedy sounded the fire bell in the night: Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back‐alley…

How Jews Forced Homosexual “Marriage” on America
SINCE “GAY” marriage was legalized in 2015, the American public has seen that the slippery slope which brings us to trannies in girls locker rooms and troubled children given hormone blockers is real. And Americans aren’t too happy about it: Jewess Alyssa Rosenberg lamented in the …

How Jews Gave America Gay Marriage
SINCE GAY MARRIAGE was legalized in 2015 the American public has seen that the slippery slope from legal gay marriage to trannies in girls’ locker rooms to troubled children given hormone blockers is real. And Americans aren’t too happy about it: as Alyssa Rosenberg lamented in the Washington…

Homosexual Jewess Admits True Purpose of Gay Agenda is to Destroy Marriage
EVEN KNOWING that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist Masha Gessen. On a radio show last year, she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda. She says that they don’t want to access…

Jews Proud of Their Role in Promotion of Homosexuality
Museum exhibit honors Jewish activist “heroes” of homosexual revolution, but ignores central role of Jewish-controlled media. THE NATIONAL Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia, in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision requiring acceptance of homosexual…