Posts Tagged

Jewish Race


by Andrew Hamilton HUMAN RACES can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy. Some races are more dominant than others. In our natural habitat, we were the dominant race on earth. Today, Jews occupy that position. They subjugated whites as quickly and easily as whites subjugated blacks, Amerindians,…
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When Jews do it, it’s not racism. LAURA HAS donated her eggs four times to women who needed help having children. “It gave me a real sense of purpose,” she said. “It really is a great personal pleasure to know that I have something that changes someone’s life.” Laura, 28, from Manassas, Virginia,…
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With little fanfare, Jews just widely expanded the definition of the Jewish race. JUDAISM is not a missionary faith. It takes the attitude that there are many paths to God and that, to put it bluntly, it does not matter which one you take, so long as you get there in the end. It is true that some people choose…
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After more than two centuries, there is now a Middle Eastern category on the US Census, distinct from Whites. Many Jews welcome this change and openly assert their non-European racial identity. STARTING THIS September, after decades of lobbying efforts by Arab-American organizations, the United…
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Israel for Jews alone; but white nations are for everyone. JERUSALEM was always the capital of the Jewish people alone – and not of any other nation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (pictured) said on Sunday night during a Jerusalem Day address at Ammunition Hill. “This is our home and here…
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