Posts Tagged

Jewish Perversion


We don’t know what the Boston Globe’s “Christopher Muther”’s racial background is, but his falsetto paean to Jew invert “culture” is so disgusting — and this in a paper accessible to children — that we will only excerpt a few key paragraphs here,
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by John I. Johnson JEWISH WRITER Amy Zimmerman of the Left-wing Daily Beast identifies connections between Harvey Weinstein and fellow Jewish abusers of women James Toback, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and Brett Ratner. She reveals that Polanski may be guilty of crimes other than the one he was convicted…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims ADVANCE Publications is a print media conglomerate that owns most of the local newspapers in most of the mid-sized towns within the United States. It owns, for example, both the Huntsville Times and the Birmingham Post-Herald, in Alabama. There’s a good chance that it also owns…
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Classic EssaysNews

This news story from 2005 needs to be kept alive; certain parties very much want to bury it. by David Sims and Jeff Hook THE Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that notorious child pornographer Arie Scher has been flagged as the replacement for Amir Laty, the former Israeli consul to Australia who was…
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by Lasha Darkmoon based on an article in the Daily Mail DID YOU KNOW that British Prime Minister David Cameron is closely associated with Jewish pornographers and their families and that the entire British government is surrounded by a sickly aroma of smut and sleaze? (Important note. This is an edited…
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As this article makes clear, Jews and sexual perversion have been closely linked for millennia OF ALL THE terrible things opponents of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance said during their campaign against equality, the most offensive may have been their implication that religion and trans tolerance…
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