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Jewish Media Control


by Rainer Chlodwig von K. LAST YEAR, Shout! Factory rereleased Philip Kaufman’s 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake through its Scream Factory label. Included on the stacked Blu-ray are interview extras imported from the 2007 MGM DVD release plus two commentaries and new interviews with…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I REALLY DO APPRECIATE the responses to my broadcasts which listeners send to me. Even though I and my staff can’t answer every letter we receive, we do read them all, and I learn from them. Every week I receive a number of letters from listeners who believe that I blame the…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF President Abe Lincoln’s most memorable statements about the government of the United States was to the effect that it is able to fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but that it can’t hope to fool all of the people all of the…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I WAS LOOKING LAST NIGHT at some paintings by the 15th-century Flemish painter, Hieronymous Bosch. Interesting, but pretty weird stuff. Bosch was sort of a godfather to the Surrealist school of painters, who came along 450 years later: Salvador Dali and his limp clocks, for…
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David SimsEssays

It isn’t government censors who are generating all the fake news, lies, and omissions of the media. So what is it? by David Sims ALTHOUGH a free press, one not subject to government censorship or unreasonable obstruction, is necessary to the public’s welfare, it isn’t sufficient.…
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by Franklin Ryckaert JEWS ARE NOW perceived in many quarters as “supremacists”, a description they will naturally find offensive. Because of their “chosenness”, however, it would appear that many Jews feel entitled not only to monopolize the wealth of the world but also to appropriate its power.…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton LETS START WITH a simple proposition: It matters who controls the mass media. Whites will never win — or survive, for that matter — as long as a monotone mass media, funneled through innumerable channels worldwide 24 hours a day, is opposed only by leaflets, self-published books,…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT to talk with you first about the so-called “millennium bug.” It’s also sometimes called the “Y2K phenomenon,” which is sort of a shorthand way of saying the “year 2000 phenomenon.” Ordinarily I wouldn’t waste…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott RECENTLY it was revealed by Project Veritas, in a (covertly recorded) conversation with CNN’s supervising producer John Bonifield, that CNN has been perpetuating for most of a year now the story of Russian meddling in the American presidential election knowing full well that…
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Hadding ScottVideo

by Hadding Scott THE CREATIVITY of pro-White social media “trolls” is gradually introducing suppressed truth into mainstream discussion. Through President Trump’s retweeting of a GIF that represented him pummeling CNN, and CNN’s overreaction — and the subsequent…
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