Posts Tagged
Jewish Media Control

Document: Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood — But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same Thing
THIS ARTICLE became topical again in September 2015 when Google, under pressure from the ADL agreed to remove a search result that constituted “an antisemitic answer” (“Jews“) and referencing it. (ILLUSTRATION: Abraham Foxman, former Director of the ADL)

A Mile Too Far
by Kevin Alfred Strom
‘It’s never enough’ is more than a cliché; it is a psychological characteristic, and sometimes a fatal flaw, of the ethnic group behind multiracialism. Today Mr. Strom looks at an astonishing example of that flaw: the missing billion dollars in the great Jewish…

Manspreading for Lebensraum, Part 2
by Alex Fontana
Integration and the Jewish Solution to the ‘Jewish Problem’
“We must work superficially and in large groups, altering the conditions of life and improving the rules of the game.” — Louis Wirth
Integration — the attempt to place large numbers of Blacks in…

Freedom: Use It or Lose It
Free Speech magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1995
by Dr. William L. Pierce
PERHAPS YOU already know this, but this program is broadcast 22 times a week on 15 different stations in the United States. It’s also carried around the world by powerful shortwave transmitters. I don’t know exactly…

Watching the News
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I HAVE FRIENDS who tell me they don’t like to watch television news broadcasts, because they find them depressing. I, on the other hand, look forward to watching the evening news every day. I usually find the news encouraging.
My friends are conservatives. I am not.

Google Censors Search Results to Please Jews
Tech company changes its algorithm after outcry that its “direct answers” search tool resulted in a response deemed anti-Semitic
“WHO RUNS Hollywood?”
Up until Friday, Google’s widely used “direct answers” search tool offered a decisive answer. Wait for it… “Jews.”
But after that response kicked…

Illusion and Leverage
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TODAY I’ll continue with the same general concept we talked about last week: the house-of-cards concept. The Jews maintain their power only by maintaining an illusion, and that illusion is that most people are in agreement with their policies and programs, when…

The Duggars, the McDonalds, and the Jews
They hate us — and everything they do is designed or skewed to hurt us.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Josh Duggar torpedoed his own reputation recently with revelations of extramarital sexual affairs in the Ashley Madison data dump. But the main point of this piece — that Jews selectively generate…

Rapists, Race, Crime, and DNA
How many women have been raped and how many innocents have been killed because the police and the media will not accurately describe the race of criminals? DNA racial testing holds great promise in police work and in society at large, but only if we have the courage to face the racial realities it uncovers.…

Racial Dominance
by Andrew Hamilton
HUMAN RACES can be arranged in a dominance hierarchy. Some races are more dominant than others. In our natural habitat, we were the dominant race on earth. Today, Jews occupy that position. They subjugated whites as quickly and easily as whites subjugated blacks, Amerindians,…