Posts Tagged
Jewish Identity
“Holocaust Consciousness” Is Now Essential to Being Jewish
by Hadding Scott Monday through Thursday this week Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies has been hosting a conference, attended by about 200 Jewish educators, titled: “The Shoah and Jewish Identity: Challenges in Jewish Education.” (J. Sharon, Jerusalem Post, 28 December…
Yad Vashem Hosts a Conference on “The Shoah and Jewish Identity”
“Bible story” illustration of the Jews being whipped by their Egyptian owners: This never happened. Holocaust-consciousness is now essential to being Jewish by Hadding Scott IN 2016 Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies hosted a conference, attended by…
The Burden of Jewing, Part 2 — “Conversion”
by Tanstaafl IN Part 1 we examined “messianism”, in Part 2 we’ll discuss “conversion”. As with “messianism”, “conversion” means something different to Jews than it does to non-Jews. What’s more, Jews actively promote this difference in understanding, and use it to their advantage. To put it bluntly,…
Ex-Soviet Contract Killer and Thug Leonid Nevzlin Now Leader in Jewish “Philanthropy”
Leonid Nevzlin: rising star in Jewish “philanthropy”; stole billions from helpless Russian people; convicted of contract killings, remains free and unpunished. This piece, excerpted from the Jewish media, shows Jewish billionaires from the former Soviet Union openly using their…
Jewishness: an Overview
IT’S HARD TO nail down Jewishness, because so many Jews and Jewish partisans (in the diaspora particularly) will misdirect and mis-define its essence to mislead the general public, to protect their political, social and socioeconomic interests or identities, or out of sheer ignorance or…
Who is Julia Salazar?
by Tanstaafl IS JULIA Salazar a Jew? What is a Jew? Why does it matter? There was quite a Jewsmedia stir around Salazar even before she won the New York state primary. Now the squid ink is really squirting. Here’s how Haaretz summed up the situation before the primary – State senate candidate Julia Salazar…
Jewish Crypsis — Wannabe Jews
The flip side of “conversion” — non-Jews who want to be Jews by Tanstaafl JEWS MAKE CHANGES in order not to be noticed as Jews, not to stop being Jews. Wannabe Jews are non-Jews who actually want to change into Jews. They believe this is possible based in part on their own misunderstanding of the nature…
Holocaust Day, Again and Again and Again
And now all 31 days of May are “Jewish-American Heritage Month” according to great American nationalist Trump. by Tanstaafl UNDER JEW RULE every day is Holocaust day, but some days are more Holocausty than others. Seven decades after WWII, references to “Holocaust” (and Hitler, and…
Jew Identity: Non-White, Anti-White
by Tanstaafl THE JEWS have noticed that White racial consciousness is growing. A few are freaking out and screeching to each other that Trump’s selection and the rise of the Jew-aware alt-right is why Jews, as Jews, should freak out and screech more. This hysterical reaction, which only further exposes…
Exodus Redux: Jewish Identity and the Shaping of History
by Dr. Andrew Joyce I’VE BEEN intrigued by the story of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt for more than a decade. More than any of its close rivals, including the tale of Haman in the Book of Esther, the Exodus looms large as an early and extremely influential psychological landmark in the lachrymose…