Posts Tagged
Jewish History

Why Jews Must Be Excluded From All White Societies
Eric Louw told it like it was — and still is
THERE WAS A TIME when Whites were not the simpering, whimpering things they have become. Here is a powerful speech by South African legislator and diplomat Eric Louw (pictured) introducing a bill into the South African House of Deputies in early 1939 calling…

A Jesus Who Was a Christ
by Revilo P. Oliver
IN THE FIRST CENTURY B.C. and the following century, Egypt, Palestine, and adjacent parts of the Near East swarmed with goetae, itinerant mountebanks who practiced thaumaturgy, performing tricks of magic to make the yokels gawk and part with their money. These fakirs were also…

To Understand Why We Are Losing Our Freedom, Look to the Jewish Influx
by David Sims
THE LOSS of freedom in America didn’t begin with Barack Obama. Nor did it begin with the Civil War or the establishment of the Federal Reserve, though those things did landmark and accelerate the process.
Rather, the American experiment began to fail even before it began, with the…

Theodore Dreiser on Early Hollywood
From “Hollywood: Its Morals and Manners” (Shadowland magazine, 1921-1922)
by Theodore Dreiser
Introduction by Andrew Hamilton
THE GERMAN-AMERICAN novelist Theodore Dreiser was a Leftist, eventually became a Communist Party member, and praised Stalin — but he wasn’t…

The Vexing ‘Jewish Question’: A Nineteenth-Century Scholar’s View
Introduction by Mark Weber
ALTHOUGH TODAY it is considered tactless if not hateful to speak openly of a “Jewish question,” the often thorny matter of relations between Jews and non-Jews in society is a real issue that has bedeviled countless governments and scholars for centuries. In…

On the Jews’ Claim to Palestine
by David Sims
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there were thousands of years of human existence prior to Abraham, who was born in southern Sumeria around 1800 BC. Before Abraham was born in Ur, and for some time afterward, the region to the west known as Palestine was not uninhabited. It was already the home of several…

The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews
The Sacred Chain by Norman F. Cantor (pictured). HarperCollins Publishers (New York, 1994).
reviewed by Dr. William L. Pierce
“ANTI-SEMITES sensed the truth of Jewish history, the specialness of the Jews, their strangeness on the face of the earth. The anti-Semites could not stand to witness…

Child Sacrifice, A Traditional Religious Practice in Ancient Israel?
SCHOLARS continue to debate a number of important issues concerning the nature of human (child) sacrifices in the ancient Near East, including the origins of the rite, to whom these sacrifices were intended, and by whom they were performed. A number of books dedicated to the topic have appeared in…

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years
By Israel Shahak, with a foreword by Gore Vidal. Published by Pluto Press (London, 1994).
Reviewed by Dr. William L. Pierce
WHEN THE ROMAN historian Tacitus pointed out 19 centuries ago that the Jews are unique among the races of man in their intense hatred and contempt for all races but their own, he was…

Capitalism and Equality
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of January 15, 2000
by Dr. William Pierce
I WAS AMUSED last week when America’s top baseball commissars ordered that Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker (pictured) undergo psychiatric testing because he said he finds New York City a depressing place, filled…