Posts Tagged
Jewish History

Bloody Hanukkah
HANUKKAH is not “Jewish Christmas” as some like to call it. It is not about lights, latkes, and laughter. It celebrates the event in which Judaic religious nutcases hunted down and murdered en masse other Jews who had become friendly with the ways of the Greeks.
Abandoning their Judaism…

Jew Slaving
by Tanstaafl
You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. — Isaiah 60:16
WHAT FOLLOWS HERE is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/jewhadi joint venture commonly known…

The Bible is a “We Wuz Kangz” Fantasy for Jews
JEWS LIKE TO BOAST of their glorious forebears. Disraeli, for example, once retorted to the Irishman Daniel O’Connell: ‘Yes, I am a Jew, and while the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.’
Like most of the episodes…

The Bible: Blueprint for Jewish Atrocities and Genocide
The Biblical Mind of Israel’s Founding Fathers
THE HEBREW BIBLE (Tanakh) is for the committed Jew as much a record of his ancient origins, the prism through which all Jewish history is interpreted (is not the “Holocaust” a biblical term?), and the unalterable pattern of Israel’s promising future.…

Muslims and Jews: Allies at the Very Beginning
THE SUPPORT OF THE Jews in the Middle East was vital for the propagation and spread of the word of Muhammad. Although the material for the early Islamic history is complicated, an unmistakable and striking theme can be consistently teased from the literature of this period — whether Arabic, Armenian,…

A Persistent Hoax
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE NUMBER of The New Scientist (London) for 7 December 1991 contains a long article devoted to the traditional means of conserving water and hence farming successfully in arid regions of Asia and South America. A detached section of the article deals with the network of some 250 underground…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Pierce and Jews
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury NOW WE arrive at what may the most controversial and explosive chapter in Robert Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, read this week by Vanessa Neubauer in our continuing audio book series. It deals with radical White separatist Dr. William…
for The American Mercury NOW WE arrive at what may the most controversial and explosive chapter in Robert Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, read this week by Vanessa Neubauer in our continuing audio book series. It deals with radical White separatist Dr. William…

The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1
by Thomas Dalton
IN 2006, an inebriated Mel Gibson allegedly said this: “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” There followed the predicable storm of anti-anti-Semitism, ad hominem attacks, and various other slanders against Gibson’s character. But virtually no one asked the question:…

The Universality of “Anti-Semitism”
IN RESEARCHING Jewish history, the investigator discovers a wide variance of written material. Work by authors expressly critical of Jews (and they include a surprisingly number of Jewish commentators, mostly “apostates” of one kind or another) is invariably labeled by today’s…

Exodus Redux: Jewish Identity and the Shaping of History
by Dr. Andrew Joyce
I’VE BEEN intrigued by the story of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt for more than a decade. More than any of its close rivals, including the tale of Haman in the Book of Esther, the Exodus looms large as an early and extremely influential psychological landmark in the lachrymose…