Posts Tagged
Jewish Hatred

Jewish Judge: Banish the Ghosts of White Men Past
Bernhard by Douglas Mercer FAIRFAX COUNTY, Virginia Circuit Court Judge Dave Bernhard describes himself as a “White Hispanic,” which is a lie. It turns out (they say) that he is of “Jewish and German” descent (via El Salvador). But even that is a lie. Let me break it down for…

Hungary ‘Anti-Semitic’ Statue Plan Sparks Protests
SEVERAL HUNDRED people including a US envoy joined a protest Sunday organized by Jewish groups in Hungary against a planned statue of a World War II-era politician who had held anti-Semitic views. Around 300 protesters gathered near the building site of the monument, a life-size bronze statue of Balint…

Interview with “Kill Gentile Babies” Rabbi Reveals Jewish Mentality
Author of “King’s Torah” said in 2011 that his position on killing Gentile babies is a moderate one, and that many Jews, perhaps a majority, believe any Gentile can be killed at will. THE AUTHOR of the Torat Hamelech book does not regret its harsh messages of violence to non-Jews during…

Israel: Jewish Author Who Said Non-Jewish Babies Should Be Killed in Their Cribs “Cannot be Prosecuted”
“Hate speech” laws don’t apply to Jews, apparently; Rabbi said babies should be killed if they might “grow up to hate Jews.” A THREE-JUSTICE panel of Israel’s High Court of Justice slammed Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein and police for their tepid and incompetent…

Wagner: Desecrated but Undefeated
by Michael J. Polignano RECENTLY I WENT to the San Francisco Opera’s new production of Richard Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman (Der Fliegende Holländer), and I thought I would share my reactions, since they relate to larger issues. (ILLUSTRATION: Richard Wagner (1813-1883).) It was…

Head of French Jewish Lobby’s “Solutions” to Paris Attacks: More Muslims, More Wars and More Censorship
by Guillaume Durocher ROGER CUCKIERMAN (pictured), the head of the official French Jewish lobby (the CRIF), was invited to speak on French public radio to pontificate on the latest horrifying Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris attacks killing at least 129 people. In the “secular” French Republic,…

The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project
I’VE RECENTLY come across an interesting document (found here) which details a conference that took place in Israel on May 7, 2013, called the “Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project.” (ILLUSTRATION: Michael Mertes, German representative for Israel at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.)…

Germany: Non-White Invaders Occupy Union Offices; White Protests Build to Massive Levels
THE DGB building — headquarters of a union that has taken a “pro-migrant” position — was occupied for a week by violent “refugees,” demanding a variety of privileges. Nothing would satisfy the aggressive, semi-barbarian non-Whites, whose sense of entitlement…

A Mile Too Far
by Kevin Alfred Strom ‘It’s never enough’ is more than a cliché; it is a psychological characteristic, and sometimes a fatal flaw, of the ethnic group behind multiracialism. Today Mr. Strom looks at an astonishing example of that flaw: the missing billion dollars in the great Jewish…

Jewish-led Group Sends “Abortion Drone” Into Poland
Group hopes to encourage White women in abortion-unfriendly Poland to use enclosed pills to slay White children in the womb
IT HAS been dubbed the “Abortion Drone,” and it’s due to make its maiden flight on Saturday. (ILLUSTRATION: A drone will be used to deliver abortion pills to Poland.)
The unmanned…