Posts Tagged

Jewish Control


Speaking at anti-Israel event, Labour MP Gerald Kaufman invokes Jewish conspiracy theories, claims Israel ‘executing’ Palestinians. A LEFT-WING British MP has claimed that “Jewish money” has influenced British politicians to support Israel, during a shocking anti-Semitic…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” –Euripides by Dr. William L. Pierce CHOOSING a man of Bill Clinton’s character to be President once is solid evidence that a nation is in a terminal state of moral decay. Doing it twice in a row is beyond human comprehension.…
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Imagine a world in which you are being spied on 24/7 by an all-seeing Eye. And be aware that Big Brother is watching you, not only from the US and Britain but also from Israel. MASS SURVEILLANCE is the new norm. Big Brother is watching you and listening to you always. With the help of microscopic cameras and…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

EDITOR’S NOTE: This 1994 work by William Pierce is sobering and prophetic. Indeed, as Dr. Pierce said, “Many Americans, even those who are well read and keep up with politics and current events, simply cannot grasp the monstrousness of what has happened to their country.” It is…
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Commission was started to protect American cemeteries and monuments overseas; has now “evolved” to serve Jewish interests almost exclusively. THE WASHINGTON director of an Orthodox Jewish umbrella group was named to the Commission to Protect America’s Heritage Abroad. Rabbi Abba…
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THERE WAS a lot to celebrate in the Magic Kingdom this year. The Disney Corporation had its most profitable year ever, with profits of $7.5 billion — up 22 percent from the previous year. Disney’s stock price is up approximately 150 percent over the past three years. These kinds of results have…
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SOVIET COMMUNISM has not been fashionable in elite media and academic circles since 1992. Stalinists are now more often depicted as “conservatives” than leftists, and Communism is seen as a symptom of “nationalism.” A BBC documentary on North Korea declared that country to be a “fascist dictatorship,”…
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ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss. (ILLUSTRATION: The Team Disney building in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., which houses most of the company’s technology…
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TODAY I HAVE a quiz for you. Take a look at the guy on the right and try to work out whether he’s more likely to be a descendant of (a) legendary BBC founder Lord Reith, or (b) a pickpocket from the Baghdad Bazaar. Well done if you chose the latter. For Alan Yetob’s parents were Jews who fled Baghdad…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims A FEW YEARS ago, on 23 October 2007, Sarah Marshak (pictured) began creating a hoax of an antisemitic “hate crime” by drawing a swastika on the whiteboard mounted on the door of her dorm room and then reported it to the campus security police. On 27 October, another female dorm…
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