Posts Tagged
Jewish business practices

Henry Ford on the Jew in Character and Business
Henry Ford by Henry Ford
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent “Among the distinguishing mental and moral traits of the Jews may be mentioned: distaste for hard or violent physical labor; a strong family sense and philoprogenitiveness; a marked religious instinct; the courage of the prophet and…
and the staff of the Dearborn Independent “Among the distinguishing mental and moral traits of the Jews may be mentioned: distaste for hard or violent physical labor; a strong family sense and philoprogenitiveness; a marked religious instinct; the courage of the prophet and…

Daniel Radcliffe and the “Anti-Semitic” Suicide
by Karl Radl ACCORDING to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), the Jewish actor made famous by his role as ‘Harry Potter’ in the film versions of J. K. Rowling’s children’s book series of the same name has been doing some research on his ancestors. One particular piece of this ‘research’ is highlighted…

WhatsApp Exposed as Israeli Spyware Platform
THE popular instant messaging system WhatsApp — owned by Facebook — has been revealed as an Israeli spyware platform using malicious code from the Jews-only state’s infamous NSO Group, according to a report in the Financial Times. According to the FT, the security breach in WhatsApp — which is used…

Let’s Not Accept Partial Truths
by David Sims THE FOLLOWING EXTRACT is from Red Ice TV’s interview with a Jewish lawyer who goes by the online alias of “Frame Game,” who seems to be an honest and perceptive fellow. Here’s an out-take of the conversation from 12:22 to 15:20 on the recording: Host: “So…

1795: Jews Profited from First US-Muslim Conflict
A Dey in the life of Coen Baccri THE SEIZURE OF Western hostages by Muslims is a habit hallowed by age, yet it appears to be another contretemps with which our ruling Liberal-Minority Coalition is unable to contend. The British Empire’s solution to the problem was to launch an attack on the perpetrators…

Parasites vs. Producers
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS SUMMER’S scorching weather wreaked havoc on farm crops in America’s Midwestern corn belt. That was a catastrophe for thousands of farmers and their families—but not for some other people in the agriculture business, who, without having to lift a hand, made a fat…

Serbia: Thousands of Buildings Worth Billions and $27,000,000 Cash Given to Jews
Most of these supposed “Jewish assets” were were originally acquired through the fractional reserve banking scam and other fraudulent practices, so they were stolen from the White population to begin with. Question: Have the White victims of WW2 — say, the millions of displaced…

Trump’s Voicemails Hacked, Made Public
by John I. Johnson
I’VE JUST seen this story, and haven’t examined how the Establishment is spinning it. Apparently it originated with a couple of (presumably) Jewish journalists on the website Gawker. One would have to watch how the story develops.
An early summary of it yesterday…

New Jersey: Jews Use Intimidation to “Encourage” Residents to Sell Their Homes
Jews object to new local laws limiting hours of door-to-door “solicitations to sell.” LAKEWOOD, N.J. – James Jackson didn’t want to sell his home but thanked the black-suited man for his interest anyway. That’s when the man put his hand on Jackson’s shoulder and told him he might want to…

“Uncle Ike” Eisenberg: Seattle’s Hyperaggressive Jewish Pot King
Mainstream media lionize “entrepreneur” who makes a fortune ruining lives JUST AFTER Uncle Ike’s Pot Shop opened in Seattle’s Central District, it boasted in an ad, “Our weed cures Ebola.” Knowing that merchants in the new industry weren’t allowed to make any medical claims about pot,…