Posts Tagged
Iran Nuclear Deal
Russian Cyberwarfare? No: Here’s the Deadly Israeli/US Cyberwar Plan That Could Immolate the World
An in-depth documentary revealing the history of Stuxnet being just a very small part of an apocalyptic cyber warfare arsenal known as Nitro Zeus.
IN THE MOST in-depth documentary to date on the Stuxnet industrial infrastructure worm, which has spread across the world and destroyed 1,000 nuclear…
Bush’s Lies About the Nuclear Deal
JEB BUSH delivered a speech today meant to relaunch his flagging campaign. Among other dubious foreign policy claims he made, this was the most remarkable for its dishonesty:
For the first time in the history of Israel, its greatest existential threat has been created by its greatest ally.
Detention Camps for American Jews?
EDITOR’S NOTE: This completely paranoid fantasy from the Jewish Press — which claims that there is a real possibility that the Jewish-dominated Obama administration might, sometime soon, begin to round up Jews and put them in detention camps — is invaluable in understanding…
Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not “Breakthrough”
ORIGINALLY POSTED in November of 2013, the article, “Nuclear Deal With Iran Prelude to War, Not “Breakthrough,” warned of a premeditated, documented conspiracy to use a monumental “deal” with Iran as a pretext not for peace, but in fact, for war and regime change.
Hysteria now sweeps the headlines…
Jews Begin to Mobilize Against Iran Agreement
This all really begs the question: Why no controversy or international inspections or sanctions against the aggressive, warlike Middle Eastern power — Israel — that actually has hundreds of nuclear warheads? The controlled media’s silence on this issue is almost surreal.…
Kaspersky: Iran Nuclear Talks Venue Hit by $10 Million State-Sponsored Virus
Anyone who is well-informed on the Middle East knows that the Government of Israel has routinely used the policy of State-Sponsored Terrorism against her neighbors, so it will certainly come as no shock when it is eventually discovered that Israel was behind this latest, massive cyber-attack, also…
The Bomb Iran Lobby Gears Up for 2016
The Bomb Iran Lobby Gears Up for 2016: A tight-knit group of neocon dead-enders is pushing Iran to the forefront of the GOP’s foreign policy agenda.
by Sina Toossi; unindented commentary by Kevin MacDonald
IN a recent TV ad, a van snakes its way through an American city. As the driver fiddles with the…
Court Accepts DOJ’s ‘State Secrets’ Claim to Protect Shadowy Neocons: A New Low
A TRULY STUNNING debasement of the U.S. justice system just occurred through the joint efforts of the Obama Justice Department and a meek and frightened Obama-appointed federal judge, Edgardo Ramos, all in order to protect an extremist neocon front group from scrutiny and accountability. The…
Republicans are the Party of Death
The “Democratic” wing of the System is no less in thrall to Jewish power — but is less fanatically willing to sacrifice everything to immediately immolate Israel’s enemies.
INTRODUCTORY NOTE by Paul Craig Roberts: Like myself, Pat Buchanan has given up on Republicans.…
The Jews Behind the Meteoric Rise of Tom Cotton
Maverick Jewish journalist Philip Weiss reveals just who’s been grooming “war hero” Senator Cotton.
THE LETTER BY those 47 Senators is getting scorned and abused nationwide. The hashtag #47Traitors has been trending on twitter. Huffpo speculates that it was “treason.” And…