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High Jewish IQ Debunked — Joe Rogan Follow-Up
HERE’S A follow-up to my last video, where many tried to excuse the level of Jewish over-representation on Joe Rogan’s podcast by claiming that Jews are simply more intelligent than non-Jews. I did the research, as you will see in the video and can confirm by studying my bibliographical…

Brain Size and Intelligence: A Positive Correlation
by Ryan Cavallius EVEN THOUGH IT HAS BEEN DIFFICULT for researchers to determine the exact causes of individual differences in intelligence, they are known to be largely hereditary, and there are a number of biological factors with strong correlations to IQ. One such factor is relative brain size…

Are the Races Equally Intelligent?
by David Sims A QUESTION from Quora: “Are all races equally intelligent?” No. Intelligence is differently distributed among the races. Intelligence isn’t how much you know; it is, rather, how quickly and how completely you can learn more. It’s the ability to “catch on” to circumstances…

The Myth of Ashkenazi Jewish and East Asian Intellectual Supremacy
by Astrid Alva Ryan, MA, PhD ONE OF THE enduring modern myths, competing with the Holocaust for acceptance among not only establishment Jewry, but also the largely Zionist “dissident right” who masquerade as White advocates as their day job, and other racial lapdogs, is the ideology…

Parasites and Creators
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 October, 2021 2021-1023 – Parasites and Creators.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom ALTHOUGH Jews are only about 2 to 3% of the US population, they constitute 23% of the wealthiest Americans, 30% of the…

Basketball and Celestial Mechanics
by David Sims THE WORD “leftist” usually doesn’t describe people with common sense and critical thinking ability. It refers, instead, to people who say they prefer socialism as an economic system and who tend to believe scientifically disproved nonsense such as the theory of…

Anyone Notice a Pattern Here?
by David Sims THESE are the countries with IQs of 70 or lower.: Antigua/Barbuda, 70, Caribbean/West Indies
Benin, 70, West Africa
Botswana, 70, Southern Africa
Rwanda, 70, Central Africa
Togo, 70, West Africa
Burundi, 69, Central Africa
Ivory Coast, 69, West Africa
Ethiopia, 69, East Africa
Benin, 70, West Africa
Botswana, 70, Southern Africa
Rwanda, 70, Central Africa
Togo, 70, West Africa
Burundi, 69, Central Africa
Ivory Coast, 69, West Africa
Ethiopia, 69, East Africa

Congoids and Engineering
by David Sims THERE ARE ABOUT 98,000 bachelor’s degrees in engineering given annually in the United States, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. As an article in the journal Black Enterprise, 3,500 (3.57%) of them are given to Blacks, who comprise 12.5% of the US population.…

The Racialists are Right. Again.
by David Sims THE SMUG “Debunking Denialism” Web site, which likes to style itself as scientific and rational, says that “racists” employ fallacies in their arguments:
Thinking that the average says anything about the spread [is a fallacy]. This fallacy can often by found…

Low Delusion is the Highest IQ
I’VE MENTIONED BEFORE that from an evolutionary perspective it is not the most intelligent who survive, but the least deluded. Intelligence and a deficit of delusion are not entirely exclusive concepts, as without an advanced capability to learn we might still be wallowing in our own filth …