Posts Tagged

International Jewry

Classic Essays

by Lewis Dunahy SINCE 1888 the De Beers company has held a virtual monopoly on the diamond business. Initially Cecil Rhodes, a Gentile, had total control of the firm. In 1893 he contracted to sell De Beers’ entire production of diamonds to a syndicate of ten London firms. All ten firms were owned by Jewish…
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In 1940, an article appeared in the New York Times, vowing that a postwar “New World Order” would be created. World Jewry would be central to the building of this order, said Arthur Greenwood, who was a member of Churchill’s War Cabinet at the time. ARTHUR GREENWOOD was a Labour Party…
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MANY PEOPLE take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control…
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by Patrick Grimm THEY TRIED to warn us, tell us the danger of giving up our heritage, our destiny, everything our fathers built. But no, the Jew pressure was too great, our fathers hadn’t done the footwork and the political work and taken the initiative of tossing them down from their financial control…
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Classic Essays

by Savitri Devi NOT ONLY had Adolf Hitler done all he possibly could to avoid war, but he did everything he possibly could to stop it. Again and again — first in October, 1939, immediately after the victorious end of the Polish campaign; then on the 22nd of June, 1940, immediately after the truce…
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Despite the exodus of many Jews from Putin’s Russia, there is a movement to persuade Putin to allow a massive Jewish “return” to Crimea. This article also includes the fascinating story (told from a Jewish point of view, of course) of the successful effort to get American Jews to
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