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America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 2
Complex systems can’t be maintained by incompetent people. WHEN EXPLICIT EXCLUSION is used to eliminate groups like White men from selection processes, it is done subtly. Managers are told to sequester all the resumés from “non-diverse” candidates — that is, White males. These resumes are…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 1
America: no more golden eggs if the goose is replaced by rats. Complex systems won’t survive the competence crisis.
The strength of the US now is like the continuing momentum of Achilles’ spear five seconds after he threw it and three seconds after he was killed. (Kevin Alfred Strom)

Meeting the Brilliant Minds at Mensa South (Not)
by H. Peary WHEN PEOPLE HERE IN THE SOUTH ask me or my wife why we came here, I give them a few reasons (escaping the anti-White insanity of the Pacific Northwest is one), but they never say anything in reply. I guess they don’t believe me. So to meet some local people, I re-joined Mensa, the supposedly high-IQ…

Increasing Regime Incompetence, Example 8,942: Emergency Alert System Calls for Evacuation of LA and “Eastern North Pacific Ocean”
AN IMMEDIATE EVACUATION NOTICE from the Emergency Alert System (EAS) that interrupted regular television and radio programming in the Los Angeles area Wednesday, telling the entirety of Los Angeles County and the “Eastern North Pacific Ocean” area to evacuate due to a fire, was sent…

Brain Size and Intelligence: A Positive Correlation
by Ryan Cavallius EVEN THOUGH IT HAS BEEN DIFFICULT for researchers to determine the exact causes of individual differences in intelligence, they are known to be largely hereditary, and there are a number of biological factors with strong correlations to IQ. One such factor is relative brain size…

Are the Races Equally Intelligent?
by David Sims A QUESTION from Quora: “Are all races equally intelligent?” No. Intelligence is differently distributed among the races. Intelligence isn’t how much you know; it is, rather, how quickly and how completely you can learn more. It’s the ability to “catch on” to circumstances…

Even Logic Itself Is a White Discovery
Eratosthenes of Cyrene by David Sims IN INNUMERABLE films and television programs, Jews encourage Negroes to think that African Blacks would have built a super-advanced country like the fictional “Wakanda,” if Whites had not colonized Africa. Which is nonsense. No: None of the non-White…

The Myth of Ashkenazi Jewish and East Asian Intellectual Supremacy
by Astrid Alva Ryan, MA, PhD ONE OF THE enduring modern myths, competing with the Holocaust for acceptance among not only establishment Jewry, but also the largely Zionist “dissident right” who masquerade as White advocates as their day job, and other racial lapdogs, is the ideology…

A Stark Choice: Blacks or the Stars
by David Sims BEFORE committing to any particular social model for space colonization, take notice that there are certain problems that mankind has not been able to solve in regard to demographics and the problems that arise from racial differences and from racial mixing. Elon Musk is from South Africa.…

Parasites and Creators
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 October, 2021 2021-1023 – Parasites and Creators.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom ALTHOUGH Jews are only about 2 to 3% of the US population, they constitute 23% of the wealthiest Americans, 30% of the…