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Updated: “Aryan” Is the Correct and Proper Name of Our Race
An Aryan girl, member of the Nordic sub-race. Not all Aryans are Nordics, but all Nordics (of uncontaminated ancestry) are Aryans. by Martin Kerr BEFORE 1940 OR SO, the term “Aryan” and the name “Aryan race” were part of the ordinary vocabulary of every moderately-educated person in the English-speaking…

Shahi-Tump: Natural Purity versus Mixing With Your Inferiors
A strong race, purified by Nature, conquers; their mixed descendants are conquered — a lesson for all times, including our own. by Ryan Cavallius MOST STUDENTS OF INDO-EUROPEAN HISTORY are well acquainted with the fact that an ancient branch of that stock migrated into what is now Pakistan from…

Noam Chomsky: Maverick Linguist
Noam Chomsky by Revilo P. Oliver THE Scientific American, May 1990, contains (pp. 40 ff.) an eulogy of Noam Chomsky, the Jewish linguist who is perhaps the best known figure in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Although newspapers delight in reporting such statements as his charge that the…

Kali Yuga and the Age of Iron in Different Traditions
by Survive the Jive IRISH, NORDIC, Greek and Indian texts all warn about an evil age that will be the final one in a cycle of ages, in which religious principles are forgotten, hardship and strife are widespread and people become evil. This video quotes from Hindu sources, Ovid’s Metamorphoses,…

May Day: A Holy Day for White People
by Survive the Jive ALL AROUND Europe there are ancient pagan ceremonies on the 1st of May which used to be dedicated to the goddess of dawn. In Ireland they have Beltane, and in England there was Maypole and Morris dancing which used to be for the Anglo-Saxon goddess “Eostre” from German…

How to Pray Like an Indo-European
As Cosmotheists, we still honor the traditions of our ancient ancestors, and gain insight from their view of the divine. by Survive the Jive WHERE SHOULD you conduct prayers and rituals? What can you sacrifice at a blót and what libations can be poured? What should you say in a prayer and which god do you…

Who We Are #15 — Ancient Germans
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Ancient Germans, Balts Staked Claims on Northern Europe 6,000 Years Ago Baltic Languages, Traditions Closest to those of Ancient Indo-Europeans German Growth, Roman Imperialism Led to Conflict
CLOSELY RELATED TO the Celts, whose fortunes we traced in the previous installment,…

The Indo-European Dragon-Slayer Myth
ACCORDING TO THE Indo-Europeanist scholar E. Benveniste, the first Indo-Europeans, or, using politically incorrect terminology, “Aryans”, were distinguished by patriarchal extended families, ancestral cult, agriculture and livestock breeding, an aristocratic society of priests, warriors…

Who Were the First Europeans?
Was hybridization with Neanderthals racemixing as we would understand it? Or were the proto-Europeans so similar to the Neanderthals (look at the narrator staring down the reconstructed Neanderthal; the differences could have been much less then at that earlier point in our evolution; and compare…