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Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler: White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks in Indianapolis
Young son says, ‘I wish they didn’t shoot my Mommy.’ AMANDA Blackburn. Nathan Trapuzzano. Both victims of brutal Black on White violence in Indianapolis. Names you’ve never heard, drowned out in the cacophony of “Justice for George Floyd,” and “Black Lives Matter.” Her name is Wilma Hochstetler. …

Indiana: Pro-White Farmers Threatened, Persecuted by Jewish-Funded Leftists
Well-funded “anti-racist” activists, with backing from billionaire Jews and government institutions, prevent racially-aware White people from engaging in online commerce. The National Alliance and Cosmotheist Church, for example, have been effectively banned from online commerce…

What Is Religious Freedom?
As you read, consider the implications for Cosmotheist-based and Cosmotheist-owned organizations, businesses, and communities.
LAST WEEK, America had a rigorous debate over religious freedom. Just in case you crawled into a cave for lent and are now emerging from isolation, I’ll catch you up.…