Posts Tagged
Illegal Immigration

Illegal Law
New Mexico’s Chief Justice Shannon Bacon by Douglas Mercer THERE HAVE BEEN ALL sorts of milestones in the invasion of our country — letting them attend our schools, giving them driver’s licenses, giving out so-called birthright citizenship, shielding them from the law by means…

Squatter’s Rights
Back of the bus, Whitey! (Actually, this invasion-promoting stock image — used recently by the dissident Chinese-diaspora publication, the Epoch Times — is heavily idealized, showing one out of six “new Americans” as White, and showing the rest as being considerably…

Traitor on the Bench
Judge Shelley Joseph, defendant by Saxon Day AN AMERICAN judge in an American courtroom sits up high, ruling over the proceedings with an iron hand. All show deference to her, what she says is law, is literally law. On this particular day the woman up high does not care about law or about what is deemed right…

This Strange Hesitation about Deporting Illegal Immigrants
Could it have something to do with the “Holocaust”? by Hadding Scott THERE WAS a time, not many decades ago, when there was a presumption that people who had entered the United States illegally should be deported. Why so much squeamishness about it now? Sending people who are illegally…

New Arrests in US Demonstrate Mass Illegal Immigration is always Non-Whites Invading White Nations
A SERIES OF ARRESTS for illegal immigration and “anchor baby” scams in America had demonstrated once again that mass illegal immigration always consists of non-Whites invading White nations, and never the other way around. According to the DOJ, Milon Miah, 39, a Bangladeshi national residing in…

Fracturing America: Virginia Police Officer Placed on Involuntary Leave for Reporting Illegal Invader to ICE
Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler Northern Virginia, where NV’s editor lived for decades, is an example of the new non-American America that is in open revolt against the remnants of the Old America that still exist in isolated patchwork form in our society — as this controlled…

Invaders from Ebola-Infected Congo Have Crossed into Texas
INTRODUCTION by David Sims: Africans have been arriving at the US-Mexican border, hoping to enter the United States when Trump’s effort to keep them out falters. Some of the African migrants are from Congo, where a deadly epidemic of Ebola is currently occurring. Patriotic and alternative…

Getting Undocumented Communities Ready
WE’RE ABOUT TO BEGIN the process of deporting millions of illegal aliens, starting very, very soon. Yes, seven figures worth of foreign looters will be getting the old heave-ho, it’s now just a matter of weeks. Assuming we don’t get distracted by a war with Iran, are overruled by…

Two Kinds of Aggression
by David Sims DNA testing has shown that, among illegal immigrants crossing into the United States with children, there is no biological family relationship between the adults and the children in about one third of cases. The children were either “rented” — or kidnapped from their…

The Wall: Such a Really, Really Big Success
IT’S REALLY NICE to have that big, beautiful wall that Mexico paid for protecting us from foreign looters. Wait, it didn’t get built? Well, that’s a disappointment, I have to say. On the other hand, we did dump 100 billion in Federal Reserve kosher counterfeit down the Negro sewer…