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Becoming Revolutionary
New National Alliance graphic, Commit a Revolutionary Act version 1, 6×4 photo size American Dissident Voices broadcast of 15 October, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE CENTRAL FACT with which…

Examine Your Loyalties
White living space — there is no substitute. Introductory Note: The entire Strom household — myself, my wife, and our two very young children — has been under the pall of viral infections this week, and I apologize for the fact that the sick leave I’ve been forced to take has impacted…

The Freedom to Flourish vs. The Will to Nothingness
Below are some philosophical musings I’ve adapted from a blog post. — Dissident Millennial True Freedom
Some considerations. WHAT IS TRUE FREEDOM? The conservative view — property rights. The libertarian view — do whatever you please, with an emphasis on hedonistic debauchery…
Some considerations. WHAT IS TRUE FREEDOM? The conservative view — property rights. The libertarian view — do whatever you please, with an emphasis on hedonistic debauchery…

White Heritage: While Some Abandon It, Others Choose to Defend
WHITE AMERICANS are currently enduring a sustained attack on their identity. The immediate goal of this assault is to confuse and demoralize White people, so that they are psychologically incapable of defending themselves as a race or ethnicity. The ultimate goal is the extermination of Whites…

The Jews’ Enforcer: Peter Sutherland
An intriguing portrait of the “humanitarian” who is a major player in forcing the EU nations to accept “unlimited migration.” Former Attorney General of Ireland and Chairman of Goldman Sachs International for 20 years, Sutherland is also President of the International…

by Andrew Hamilton
“We aim above the mark, to hit the mark.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Nature,” Essays: Second Series (1844)
NATIONALISM, as well as racial pride and consciousness, are potentially powerful unifying forces. Columbia University history professor Carleton J. H. Hayes, an opponent of…

Perfect: Watch This Swedish Reporter Systemically Destroy Transgenderism
Hanna Lindholm visits Södertörn University in order to get the students’ views on “gender identity” FIRST THEY all agree with her, because feelings. Seriously, one of them even actually said “feelings.” If only I’d tried that with all of my past teachers who dared correct a wrong…

The Transcendental Titans
The one revolutionary force rightly feared by those who misrule us TO THE uninitiated, to be an identitarian in this age seems to be an anachronistic and borderline masochistic endeavour. Every day presents more evidence that the notion of having a fixed historical identity is a dying one. From the…

The Significance of the Holocaust
by Dr. William L. Pierce I WAS VERY PLEASED by the response to last week’s broadcast. I’ve always thought that most people are more interested in specific, anecdotal, and personal commentary than in more general and impersonal commentary, and that’s why I so often talk about very…

It’s Genocide
by Robert Thompson THE FOLLOWING quote is from the United Nations “Genocide Convention”: “Acts Constituting Genocide “Article II “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,…