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July 4th: A Sham and a Lie
A classic American Dissident Voices broadcast to commemorate July 4th by Kevin Alfred Strom IT’S JULY 4th again — so-called Independence Day. The day we watch the Chinese fireworks and eat the carcinogenic hot dogs and get drunk…
Why Do People Do What They Do?
It may be hard for truly idealistic men and women like National Alliance members and the better kind of NV readers to understand, but the vast majority of humans, especially a majority of those who pose as idealists, are not motivated by moral principles, but by raw calculations of gain and loss. by David…
The Words of Adolf Hitler, part 2: Idealism; Culture; Personality
More words from the man whose ideals and self-sacrifice, if comprehended rightly, can lead us out of the labyrinth. Idealism THE PUREST idealism is unconsciously equivalent to the deepest knowledge. (I:11) How necessary it is to keep realizing that idealism does not represent a superfluous expression…
The Eternal Laws of Nature, Love, and National Socialism
by Jost Folk The Only Doctrine of National Socialism For me and all true National Socialists there is but one doctrine: Folk and Fatherland.What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and Folk, the sustenance of our children, and the purity of our blood, the freedom…
Alfred Rosenberg and the Rebirth of the European Spirit
by Guillermo Coletti
Should the subduing talisman, the Cross, break, then will come the roaring forth of wild madness of the old champions… The talisman is brittle, and the day will come when it will pitifully break. The old stone gods will rise… and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes. And…
The Beauty of Struggle
by John Calhoun ONE OF MY favorite activities is hiking in the beautiful mountains of Southern Appalachia. I try to find the most difficult and most remote trails that I can. Being far away from the sound of traffic and the chattering of a rapidly changing racial demographic centers me. Whereas modern…