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Hungary’s Second Fence
ANOTHER BIG, beautiful fence is completed, the invading columns of enemygrants are being told in no uncertain terms that they are not welcome. Meanwhile, the American southern border remains as poorly defended as ever, but at least we’re focusing on things that matter like provoking North…

Good News Monday: Hungary Resists Jewish Attacks
I HAVEN’T DONE a “Good News Monday” in quite awhile, sometimes due to the lack of material that really called out to me but generally from a need to shine a spotlight on a fresh kosher outrage rather than indulge in some complacent optimism. It was somewhat surprising, then, that today…

Former BNP Chief Nick Griffin Plans Move to Hungary
Emphasizes formation of new nationalist community there consisting of racially-aware White activists from many White nations
THE FOLLOWING is a brief interview by Hungarian publication with Nick Griffin, former head of the British National Party and current Deputy Chairman of the Alliance…

Muslims and Jews Demand Resignation of Trump Advisor Gorka
Sebastian Gorka, a counter-terrorism adviser for the Trump administration, is reportedly a member of Vitezi Rend, listed by the US State Department as a group affiliated with Nazi Germany.
A NUMBER of Jewish and Muslim organizations have called for the resignation of a Trump administration aide…

Hungary Passes “Tough” New Laws Against Border Violators Amid Invader Surge
This controlled media piece says these measures are “tough” — but they are not one one-hundredth as tough as is needed. What is needed is a racial definition of citizenship: No non-Whites in Europe or any European homeland — not a single one! And invaders to be met with instant…

First Wave of Hungary’s ‘Border Hunters’ Prepares to Push Back Migrants
THE NEW RECRUITS will support Hungarian police and soldiers with border protection.
All recruits will be equipped with pistols, pepper spray, handcuffs, protective kits and batons.
Members of the new unit attended their swearing-in ceremony in Budapest today. They will undergo six months of training…

Hungary to Crack Down on All Soros-Funded NGOs
HUNGARY PLANS to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party.
The European Union member will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out”…

Another Victory: Hungary to Amend Constitution
IT’S SOMEWHAT unsettling that there is still a significant percentage of White Americans who earnestly believe that “my Constitution” is going to protect them from the encroaching tyranny and rot. This document was birthed by the highest ideals of White Western Civilization…

We Are Not Alone: Zsolt Bayer’s White Genocide Speech
ZSOLT Bayer, Hungarian author, journalist, publicist, is one of the founders of Fidesz, the current ruling political party of Hungary of which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is the leader and founder. Fidesz was founded as a youthful underground anti-communist movement in the 1980s, and has grown…

Migrant Crisis: Hungary Police Recruit ‘Border-Hunters’
The Hungarian police are advertising for 3,000 “border-hunters”, who will reinforce up to 10,000 police and soldiers patrolling a razor-wire fence built to keep migrants out.
THE NEW RECRUITS, like existing officers, will carry pistols with live ammunition, and have pepper spray,…