Posts Tagged
Human Rights

WhatsApp: Israeli Firm ‘Deeply Involved’ in Hacking Our Users
NSO Group says it has no independent knowledge of how clients use its hacking software. NSO Group allegedly connected to hacks of 1,400 people including human rights activists WHATSAPP has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved”…

Video of the Day — The Ongoing Persecution, Show Trial, and Martyrdom of Julian Assange
Talk about human rights violations. The ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is totally criminal and utterly disgraceful. As far as I’m concerned, Julian Assange is a bonafide legend, a hero and an icon, and for whatever it’s worth, I salute him. — Dissident Millennial Trump’s…

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 12)
by Revilo P. Oliver The Gospel FASHIONS constantly change, of course, and con men are always coming up with new words, but if you look to the essentials, you will see that with Jack Catran we have gone back to Edward Bellamy, and that means, the revelations of Messiah Marx, whence a clear spoor leads back…

The Nationalist Case Against a Syrian War
THE MEDIA is reporting that a Middle Eastern dictator has used chemical weapons against his own people, killing women and children. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Even if all of this were true, and it may be so, it would still be an insufficient reason to intervene in Syria against the government there.…

by Dr. William L. Pierce A NUMBER of noteworthy things have happened during the past few days. For example, the situation on our southern border, on which I commented last week, has continued to worsen. The Clinton government continues to regard the problem there as a rancher problem rather than as an…

Ohio: “Wise Intelligent Supreme God Allah” Arrested on Weapons Charges
Look unflinchingly at the face of this primitive Congoid and then tell me that the Constitution guarantees its “right” to own weapons: If you are sane and honorable, you will be unable to do so. Our rights are not transferable to beings such as this, and the most important of our rights is …

Breivik, Modern Prisons, and the What the Jews Plan for Us
by John I. Johnson NORWEGIAN MUSICIAN and writer Varg Vikernes has posted a couple of videos to YouTube stating his views about Norwegian prisons, and in particular how the subject relates to Anders Breivik. Breivik recently sued the Norwegian prison system for violating his human rights, and…

“Rights” and the American Caste System
by David Sims THE POWERS that be of our world talk a good talk about rights. But they don’t really mean it. They really want to control rights, so they can decide who may exercise them and who may not. And, naturally, they intend to reserve to themselves the most privileged status. As an example,…

Israel Warns: Europe Will be Destroyed if Anti-Israel Boycott Continues
Israel has released a threatening video, warning Europe that if they don’t stop their boycott campaign against Israel, their continent will be obliterated. THE VIDEO, released by a pro-Israel PR firm, depicts ISIS militants destroying European cities with Jerusalem’s blessing. (ILLUSTRATION:…

Finally, a Zionist Group that Deserves Encouragement
EDITOR’S NOTE: You need not worry about contacting any pathogens while reading the following “Queer Israel” article. It was photographically reproduced and transcribed with our editors making no physical contact whatsoever with any surfaces touched by these special “chosen”…