Posts Tagged
Human Behavior

The Reality of Human Group Competition
by David Sims TO THE EXTENT THAT birth control works, it works because of externally applied disincentives to breed. It might be the threat of punishment for having too many children (as in China), or it might be an economic disincentive: the knowledge that the resources available to a family will suffice…

Parasitism Elicits Instinctive Disgust
by Tansaafl SIX COMMON types of disgust that protect us from disease revealed for the first time: Disgust has long been recognised as an emotion which evolved to help our ancestors avoid infection, but now researchers have been able to show the human disgust system is likely to be structured around the…

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 14)
by Revilo P. Oliver A Question of Taxonomy THE READER WILL have noticed what was illogical and literally untrue in the foregoing section, and will have made allowance for the vagaries of our language, but the point deserves comment. On the basis of the report in Mr. Dieckmann’s book, I made a statement…

Eating the Seed Corn
Ocasio-Cortez: “Hey, it’s not my money!” EVERYONE KNOWS no one changes the oil on a rental car. You’d have to be a highly paid Hollywood actress to not comprehend that renters have little interest in the state of an owner’s asset. But even ownership features extreme variance in care.…

Types of Courage
by Andrew Hamilton COURAGE — especially social courage — and adventure or thrill-seeking are not the same thing. Courage is a quality most needed by members of the White racial movement. Conviction and the strength and spirit to stand up to totalitarian authorities and the crowd (often a lynch mob)…

The Ideology of Contraception
by Andrew Hamilton THE MORE ONE thinks about it, the more obvious it becomes that, where race is concerned, sex is of central importance. A group’s sexual behavior, marriage, reproductive patterns (having or not having children), and family strength are decisive for racial survival and expansion. …

Is 1984 Safely Past?
by Dr. William L. Pierce
AS 1984 DRAWS to a close, many Americans will breathe a sigh of relief. George Orwell was wrong, after all, they will think. The two-way spy telescreens which can’t be turned off are not yet in every home and office, the Junior Anti-Sex League is nowhere in sight; the first official…

Ayn Rand’s Package Dealing
Jewess Rand never took love into consideration — or its biological basis. by David Sims ATLAS SHRUGGED is a well-told work of fiction. However, the reader should be aware that the events in the story, as in any work of fiction, come out as they do because that’s how the author wanted the outcome…

Edward O. Wilson: Sociobiological Revolution and Jewish Reaction
ONE OF THE GREATEST scientific revolutionaries of our age, and a victim of the Jewish inquisition, is Edward O. Wilson (pictured), Curator of Entomology at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology and the author of The Insect Society, which Science magazine has called a “magisterial survey…

Dr. Pierce on the Meaning and Importance of Loyalty
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
The Meaning of Loyalty
AN OFTEN MADE comment by students of human behavior is that soldiers in combat do not fight for their general or their country or their god or any other impersonal entity; they fight for each other, for those with whom they are in immediate, daily…