Posts Tagged

Homeless Jack

EssaysH. Millard

by H. Millard “YOU MAY BELIEVE in God or you may not,” says Homeless Jack. “I don’t care. That’s your business and the existence of God can’t be proven, so it’s up to you to believe or not. However, you should believe that you are the product of your DNA and…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

Wherein Homeless Jack teaches us even more about the sacred teachings of Arman by H. Millard YOU CAN believe anything you want, man, and you never have to prove or justify your beliefs to anyone else. You can keep your beliefs to yourself or you can share them with others. That’s your call. Belief…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

by H. Millard “I’VE BEEN around this cause of ours for quite a while,” said Homeless Jack. “One of the things I see from time to time is that someone who supposedly was generally on our side of things suddenly switches sides and starts making a living as a reformed ‘hater.’…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

by H. Millard LOOK, MAN, to be you, you must get in touch with the essential you that is only found in your DNA code. And, your DNA code as a White person is different from the DNA codes of all non-Whites. You can pretty much trust your eyes in this regard — because the different major races, which are…
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FictionH. Millard

by H. Millard “HEY MAN,” said Homeless Jack, “let me tell you a little more about Arman’s teachings. “Arman says that we have to think in terms of ‘our people’ and ‘not our people,’ if we are to head off our extinction, expand our kind and prosper.…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

by H. Millard “I AM THE only God. There is no other. You and your White kind have been selected for a special purpose that no other kind has. You are different than all other kinds. You are to become even more different. You are a branching off and you must not blend back in. You must remain separate from
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EssaysH. Millard

Homeless Jack speaks by H. Millard “Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman — a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra ARMAN SAYS we Whites are being tested, man.…
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H. Millard

by H. Millard HOMELESS JACK says JEB Bush is the main presidential candidate of White genocide: “I’m gonna let the so-called intellectuals give you long columns on why JEB Bush is the main candidate and poster boy of White genocide, this year, man. And, no doubt, you’ll be seeing…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

by H. Millard WHY WAS Hitler a saint? What do you think, man, is that a fair question? Haven’t I just set up the premise and the conclusion that Hitler was a saint? Doesn’t it sound as though I just assume that everyone knows he was a saint? I started this essay with that question because the other…
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EssaysFictionH. Millard

by H. Millard “LOOK, MAN, a lot flows from the basic principle in Arman’s Teachings about what we call Code A. And, understanding what he teaches about Code A helps us sort out lots of things about morals and values and how we should live our lives. “Now, I follow Arman’s Teachings…
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