Posts Tagged

Holocaust propaganda

Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer NO FIGURE IS more important to Jewish predations that the “survivor” — the ones who (they say) were those famous eyewitnesses to the “death-dealing Mengele” striding the ramparts at Auschwitz-Birkenau like a colossus or a golden god and saying You — to the ovens! And…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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A friendly get-together in the Warsaw ghetto, 1941. Today’s rule of the West by such mixed-race excreta is intolerable. THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634…
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This fake picture of six million bubblegum packets confiscated from Holocaust victims proves definitively that the Holocaust really happened, and that we must turn over our countries to non-Whites and give them everything we own, because even thinking that Whites deserve to exist leads directly…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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YOU HAVE never before seen a resource like the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust”…
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by Ryan Cavallius WE KNOW THAT AT the end of World War 2 claims were made by enemies of the Reich that the latter had attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Former concentration camp inmates had supposedly witnessed that. The victorious powers were happy to use such atrocity tales to facilitate…
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