Posts Tagged
Hate Speech

“Hate Speech” Serves an Evolutionary Purpose
The Leftist tyranny promotes (through its “intellectual” prostitutes) the idea that there are “words that harm” — “hateful” words which should be banned or regulated by government. In this essay, David Sims shows us that such words can serve a positive…

Reddit CEO Goes on Censorship Rampage
You must now “certify” that you are over 18 to access pro-White comments on Reddit, and it seems all pro-White or even mildly nationalist posts are now flagged as “NSFW.” Expect more — far more — censorship to come.
CENSORSHIP-HAPPY Reddit CEO Steve Huffman…

Twitter Suspends Alt-Right Accounts
TWITTER SUSPENDS high-profile accounts associated with the alt-right movement, the same day the social media service said it would crack down on hate speech.
Among those suspended was Richard Spencer, who runs an alt-right think tank and had a verified account on Twitter.
The alt-right, a loosely…

“Hate Speech” Trial of Geert Wilders Can Proceed, Dutch Court Says
Introductory Note by John I. Johnson: Remember, Wilders is a part-Jewish Zionist who doesn’t care about White survival. The rulers’ fear is that a climate of ideas opposed to White genocide might develop among the remnants of the White population if even peripheral ideas like Wilders’…

Germany: Facebook Deletes 100,000 “Hate Speech” Comments in One Month
HERE WE HAVE something truly sinister. Whether a comment is “criminal” or not is a determination that can only be made by a court. But here we have random people and agenda-driven organisations, including ethnic lobbying outfits, being encouraged to decide that for themselves and private…

Soros-Controlled, Government-Funded Group Demands Only Positive Coverage of Non-White Invaders
Says coverage of terror incidents and sexual attacks could make Whites “angry”
A TAXPAYER FUNDED pressure group demanding the media promote only positive views of minorities in Europe has called coverage of recent terrorist attacks “toxic”, saying it risks “angry” people generalising…

Married Couple Sentenced for Migrant Critical Facebook Group
A German couple were taken to court and sentenced after they created a Facebook group that criticised migrants and the government’s mass migration policy.
THE COUPLE, who live in the German town of Vierkirchen, stood accused of inciting hatred toward migrants via the Facebook group that the pair had…

The Petition that Isn’t Allowed on Expel Jews from America
by Fin Lander
WITHOUT going back millennia to discuss the damage that Jews do to the host nations where they live, which we could do, let’s just look at the 20th century. What we are concerned with is Jewish power and influence and its attendant usurpation, exploitation and ultimately destruction of…

Jews Create “Internet Users Action Guide” and Automated Infrastructure for Censoring the Internet
As has happened — unheralded — many times in the past, private Jewish groups essentially dictate to governments and corporations and write our laws in advance.
EUROPEAN JEWISH students are teaming with the New York-based Anti-Defamation League to expand the organization’s Cyber-Safety…

Google Pulls Chrome Extension That Identified Jews
Coincidence Detector used multiple brackets around a user’s name to identify them as Jewish.
EDITOR’S NOTE: As this Jewish-controlled “mainstream” media article notes, Google also alters its supposedly “neutral” search algorithms to eliminate search results…