Posts Tagged

Hate Speech

Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT TO talk with you about something which gravely concerns me, and that is the corruption of our government and our police by Jewish pressure groups. I’ve spoken with you about this before two or three times, but the threat to our liberty is becoming more serious…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce WE HAVE discussed many topics in these radio broadcasts. We have discussed social issues, moral issues, and political issues. We’ve talked about race, about nationalism, and about the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media. Now, I will discuss “the…
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Members of the right-wing Identitarian movement attempted to storm the German justice ministry in Berlin on Friday over a proposed law to fight “hate speech” on social media. ABOUT 50 people from the right-wing, anti-immigrant movement gathered before the justice ministry in the…
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Introduction by Kevin Alfred Strom: According to the Hysterical Race, “anti-Semitism” in Germany is now doubling every year. That’s a growth rate of 100 per cent. annually. Let’s see what it would mean if that growth rate were compounded for just two decades: The 461 “incidents”…
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THE WORD “hate” has lost all meaning through misuse. As far as I can tell it now simply means anything the Jew wire-pullers consider disruptive to their campaigns of nation-wrecking and White genocide. When calling us meaningless names fails, more coercive measures are needed. Question…
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GOVERNMENT documents released yesterday by the National Archives of Australia reveal that the notorious Australian race law — section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act — was the subject of intense discussion among ministers before it was introduced, and as originally drafted…
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We must have such men if the West is to survive by Dr. William L. Pierce SEVERAL WEEKS ago the actor Marlon Brando was interviewed on a television talk show, and he got a little careless. He blurted out something which everyone in the media and in show business knows, but which no one is supposed to say. Marlon…
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AFTER AN Afghan migrant raped and killed a 19-year-old woman in Germany, Facebook responded by banning a German woman for “hate speech” because she posted a picture of the murderer. Hussein K., a 17-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, was arrested on Friday on suspicion of rape and murder after a sample…
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This is planned. The Guardian‘s subheading — “Britain among first countries to use new definition that includes ‘over-sweeping condemnation of Israel'” — indicates that this is a worldwide initiative to criminalize criticism of Jews. EDITOR’S…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

There are groups in America today working to abolish our Constitutional rights by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S TALK TODAY ABOUT about conspiracy. That’s a subject I usually stay away from. The reason I don’t like to talk much about conspiracy is that there are a great many right-wing…
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