Posts Tagged

Hate Speech

Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce AS I WAS PREPARING this week’s broadcast, the news story causing the most excitement in the controlled media was a series of drive-by shootings last weekend in Illinois and Indiana by a 21-year-old student at the University of Indiana, Benjamin Smith, who killed himself…
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Censorship of “hate speech” is genocide. by John I. Johnson PERHAPS THE MOST fundamental of all rights is the right of biological and cultural group survival, the attempt to destroy which, whether committed by governments or by ostensibly non-governmental entities such as organized Jewry, is “genocide.”…
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HATE SPEECH. It’s an ever-growing, ever-more-threatening, ever-more-sickening phenomenon, but fortunately there are teams of dedicated experts working night and day to help Western governments combat it. Their fees may be high, but these guys are the best in the business: Jews like Rabbi Abraham…
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Time to question the loyalty of some legislators and judges I HAVE A NUMBER of times discussed how the U.S. and other governments have legislated and otherwise promoted Jewish and Israeli interests in ways that most people would find unacceptable if they were aware of what exactly has been going on.…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce IF YOU HAVE LISTENED often to my broadcasts, you probably have heard me say more than once that we must oppose the enemies of our people only by legal means at this time: that no matter how much we are tempted to ignore this warning, and no matter how morally justified violence or illegality…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce IN OUR PROGRAM last week we talked about the Jewish campaign to outlaw Politically Incorrect speech: so called “hate speech.” Of course, as I mentioned last week, the Jews aren’t the only ones trying to abolish the Bill of Rights. The Jews are the principal…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce DO YOU REMEMBER what started the Second World War? Initially it was just a territorial dispute between Germany and Poland. The Germans wanted back the German territory which had been taken away from Germany and given to Poland at the end of the First World War. But when the Germans,…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK we talked about a number of especially egregious Jewish swindlers of the past decade. In every case they stole from Gentiles with the help of other Gentiles. I pointed out that the cases I discussed were illustrations of the general rule that the really big swindlers…
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A new journalistic code of practice, funded by the EU, calls on journalists to avoid reporting on the migrant crisis in a negative way, refrain from linking Islam to terror and avoid mentioning whether or not a criminal migrant was in the country illegally. The guideline even calls on journalists to…
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Station manager blatantly lied, stating it was “against FCC rules” to use the word on the air. IN THE MINDS of administrators at the University of Minnesota-Morris, saying “tranny” is an arrestable offense. A manager at the college called the police on two students and had…
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