Posts Tagged
Hasidic Jews

William Pierce and Our Future Society
The multiracial future the Jews are preparing for us is a zombie apocalypse: a street scene in today’s Philadelphia. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 August, 2022…

Alien Minds, Alien Colonies
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 August, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom JEWS DON’T THINK LIKE we do. I doubt that they see the world like we do. Their minds are alien, predatory, parasitic,…

New York: Keeping Out the Jews
by George Mosley TAKE NOTE of this from channel 5 in New York City: The expansion of Hasidic communities in New York’s Hudson Valley, the Catskills and northern New Jersey has led to predictable sparring over new housing development and local political control. It has also led to flare-ups of…

Trump Administration Intervenes to Support Orthodox Jewish Takeover of NJ Towns
More proof that Jews have decisive influence over Trump and Sessions: This controlled media article uses weasel words — “religious freedom,” “equal treatment” — to describe the Department of Justice’s new legal attack on the cities and towns in New…

Parts of New Jersey, New York, a Pressure Cooker as Hasidic Jews Take Over
Though living among such beings is extremely undesirable for us, and their dishonorable methods are disgusting and unacceptable, we can still learn from their determination to remain separate. IT IS, BY CHOICE, an intensely isolated and insular group, in which a brood of 10 children in one Hasidic…

Jewish Takeover of Bloomingburg, NY: They Didn’t Think the FBI Would Catch Them
Brazen election fraud and multiple crimes continue as Jewish group believes it has politicians in its pocket. SHALOM LAMM and his partner Ken Nakdimen who is from Monsey, NY, developers of the controversial Jews-only high-density development project called “The Villages at Chestnut Ridge,” chose…

New York: Jews Nearly Monopolize “Section 8” Housing Grants
More than 30 per cent. of funds intended for the poor are actually going to the world’s wealthiest ethnic group, through various forms of fraud and trickery. HASIDIC JEWS in Brooklyn benefit disproportionately from Section 8 housing vouchers, even as other impoverished residents have difficulty…

New Jersey: Jews Use Intimidation to “Encourage” Residents to Sell Their Homes
Jews object to new local laws limiting hours of door-to-door “solicitations to sell.” LAKEWOOD, N.J. – James Jackson didn’t want to sell his home but thanked the black-suited man for his interest anyway. That’s when the man put his hand on Jackson’s shoulder and told him he might want to…