Posts Tagged
Hans Schmidt
Retribution Is Coming . . . And They Know It
by Dr. William L. Pierce
LAST MONTH I told you about Hans Schmidt, the chairman of the German-American Political Action Committee, who was imprisoned by the German government for something he wrote in a newsletter which was published in the United States. He was charged by the German government with…
Anti-Patriotic Repression in Germany
by Dr. William L. Pierce
POLITICALLY AWARE Americans, accustomed to long-standing constitutional rights guaranteeing freedom of speech, may find it difficult to comprehend fully the level of government repression of Politically Incorrect thought and opinion which exists in the Federal Republic…
Living in Hitler’s Germany
A letter from Hans Schmidt of GAN-PAC
YOU ASKED for someone who had lived in Hitler’s Germany to tell what it was like. Permit me, someone who lived under the Swastika flag from 1935, when the Saar was reunited with Germany, to 1945, to give a short answer.
To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In…
The Silencing of Hans Schmidt
Hans Schmidt Was Thrown into Jail Simply for Displeasing the Wrong People
by Dr. William L. Pierce
PERHAPS YOU’VE NOTICED recently how pleased the news media have been to inform us that Mr. Clinton’s popularity with the electorate is rising. His so-called “approval rating”…
Everything Normal
by Revilo P. Oliver
Part I ALTHOUGH American Conservatives hope to restore the American Republic, they generally oppose change in all other matters, and hold steadfastly to their old faith in “democracy.” They must therefore derive satisfaction from the assurance that all is normal…
Part I ALTHOUGH American Conservatives hope to restore the American Republic, they generally oppose change in all other matters, and hold steadfastly to their old faith in “democracy.” They must therefore derive satisfaction from the assurance that all is normal…
Letter: Agnew Outraged by “Zionist Domination”
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Exclusive to National Vanguard AN IMPORTANT LETTER from former US Vice President Spiro Agnew (pictured) to German-American writer and activist Hans Schmidt, written on September 24, 1982, reveals the extent to which Agnew opposed Zionist power. The letter is photographically…
Exclusive to National Vanguard AN IMPORTANT LETTER from former US Vice President Spiro Agnew (pictured) to German-American writer and activist Hans Schmidt, written on September 24, 1982, reveals the extent to which Agnew opposed Zionist power. The letter is photographically…