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David SimsEssays

Welcome to Haiti. Wherever they go, they will make Haiti. by David Sims IT DOESN’T TAKE an earthquake. Not where Haiti is concerned. It has had billions of dollars’ worth of aid from America, from Canada, and from Europe in foreign aid over the years. America rebuilt Haiti’s entire…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadioVideo

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 June, 2021 2021-0612 A Tale of Two Massacres.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom FOR THE LAST month and more, we’ve heard again and again from the bought politicians and the Jews’ talking heads on our…
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Classic Essays

This piece was originally written in November, 1997, just after the confrontation it describes. Mr. Williams shows how easy it is to repurpose an enemy event by inserting a little bit of incontrovertible truth into the discourse. by William White Williams (1997) HERE’S A talk you may have missed…
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OUR ELITES are just hell bent on conducting social experiments on us. I for one am sick of it. The science is settled. The experiments have been done over and over always yielding the same results. Why must they keep repeating the same experiments expecting different results? 874 AD: Let’s try putting…
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THE CARIBBEAN STATE OF HAITI serves as a striking reminder of just how deadly the practice of slavery could be. By 1804, the combined effect of thirteen years of uprisings, murder, and terrorism had destroyed the White population of Haiti, along with all agricultural production and the economy of what…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IF MY PRIMARY concern were the members of the Black race in Haiti, I would point out that the Blacks there were at least materially better off under White rule in lush, prosperous San Dominigue than they are under Black rule in modern Haiti. But my concern is preventing a tragedy of terrible…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce THIS MONTH the last of the United Nations “peacekeeping” troops in Haiti will leave, and the Haitians will be given yet another chance to try to govern themselves. The “peacekeepers” occupied Haiti, along with 23,000 U.S. troops, three years ago,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims AMERICA REBUILT Haiti’s entire economy and national infrastructure three times during the 20th century, but each time the improvements became ruins not long after the US Marines went back home. In the 18th century Haiti, then called San Domingue and ruled by the French, was the…
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Classic EssaysVideoWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE BEEN LOOKING again at some of the photographs which have come back from the recent Mars landing. It’s really amazing stuff. I used to work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, where much of this latest Mars mission was planned. Seeing what the folks…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IT DOESN’T take an earthquake — not where Haiti is concerned. It has received billions of dollars from America, from Canada and from Europe in foreign aid over the years. America rebuilt Haiti’s entire economy and national infrastructure three times during the 20th century,…
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