Posts Tagged
H.L. Mencken

Wotan Has Put a Hard Heart in My Breast
an extract from Friedrich Nietzsche
introduced and translated by H.L. Mencken THE CIVILIZATION which existed in Europe before the dawn of Christianity was a culture based upon master-morality, and so we find that the theologians and moralists of those days esteemed a certain action as right only…
introduced and translated by H.L. Mencken THE CIVILIZATION which existed in Europe before the dawn of Christianity was a culture based upon master-morality, and so we find that the theologians and moralists of those days esteemed a certain action as right only…

Utopia by Sterilization
by H.L. Mencken First published in The American Mercury, August 1937 DISCUSSING IN THE PLACE a few months ago the sorrows roweling the great Republic we live in, I ventured to throw out a double-headed suggestion. The first part of it was to the effect that an easy way to reduce those sorrows today, and…

Mencken on Abraham Lincoln
by H.L. Mencken THE BACKWARDNESS OF the art of biography in These States is made shiningly visible by the fact that we have yet to see a first-rate life of either Lincoln or Whitman. Of Lincolniana, of course, there is no end, nor is there any end to the hospitality of those who collect it. Some time ago a publisher…

The Style of Woodrow
A long out-of-print review by the great H.L. Mencken; a National Vanguard exclusive. by H.L. Mencken (pictured) EDITOR’S NOTE: This review, originally written in 1920, is highly relevant today. The type represented by Woodrow Wilson is all too common in academia, politics, journalism, and…

Download: Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Antichrist
The Philosopher With a Hammer’s great book on Christianity, egalitarianism, and democracy translated by H.L. Mencken THIS BOOK BELONGS to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my “Zarathustra”: how could I confound…

The Style of Woodrow
A long out-of-print review by the great H. L. Mencken; a National Vanguard exclusive. by H.L. Mencken (pictured) EDITOR’S NOTE: This review, originally written in 1920, is highly relevant today. The type represented by Woodrow Wilson is all too common in academia, politics, journalism, and…

Utopia by Sterilization
by H.L. Mencken First published in The American Mercury, August 1937 DISCUSSING IN THE PLACE a few months ago the sorrows roweling the great Republic we live in, I ventured to throw out a double-headed suggestion. The first part of it was to the effect that an easy way to reduce those sorrows today, and…

Sterilizing Criminals
Today is H.L. Mencken’s 130th birthday, and we commemorate it here with two important and seldom seen essays by the Master of the Pen himself. –Ed. by H.L. Mencken THE RECURRENT EFFORT to eliminate criminal stocks by sterilizing criminals is opposed violently by sentimentalists, and…