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Greece: Self-Determination, Freedom, and Hope Under Assault
A GREEK COURT has proscribed the nationalist party Golden Dawn as a ‘criminal organisation’. Six years ago Golden Dawn won more than half a million votes — 9.4% — and three MEPs in the European Parliamentary elections, but now it’s leader and founder Nikos Michaloliakos has been convicted…

Rampant Tyranny: Nationalist Leaders Being Imprisoned Across Europe
Government thugs arrest Nikos Michaloliakos in the name of “democracy.” Multiple European Union states are breaking with post-war liberal conventions and openly imprisoning prominent political opponents and intellectuals for ideological crimes. THE TACTIC being used by these…

Turkey’s New War on Europe
by David Sims TURKEY HAS been making good on its threat to flood Europe, via Greece, with unwanted migrants. Greece has deployed its military to prevent the illegal entry of those migrants. So far, the Greek troops have used only non-lethal methods to repel the Third World invaders. The Turkish government…

102,387 Migrants Land in Europe in First Six Months, Says IOM
AT LEAST 102,387 non-White invaders pretending to be refugees have landed in Europe in the first six months of this year as of June 29, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported. Of this number, 101,210 have invaded Europe by sea, and 1,177 by land routes, the latest IOM update…

Greece: Non-White Invaders Set Fire to EU Offices
Importing these low-IQ, violent Brown people — who evidently don’t even know who their friends are — will destroy European civilization and exterminate our race; and these things would still be true even if there were no such thing as Islam.
ASYLUM SEEKERS, angry at the slow progress…

Golden Dawn: We Want Our Homeland Back! Photos and Video from the Grand Event at Chalcis
GOLDEN DAWN has been on fire lately, holding an event of some kind on an almost weekly basis. Hundreds of Nationalists assembled in the central hall of a hotel at Chalcis, where successfully took place the demonstration of Golden Dawn for the primary…

Ethnic Cleansing in Ancient Attica and Lemnos
by Andrew Hamilton IN The Histories, the Greek historian Herodotus (pictured) relates an account of a conflict between (Greek) Athenians and a group identified as “Pelasgians.” The story encodes ideas of racial/cultural difference, expulsion, miscegenation, mass murder, and, especially,…

The Jewish Influence on Religion
by William B. Fox (pictured) HOW HAS Jewish influence shaped religion in our civilization? Does it matter if such influence is deliberate or merely instinctive? If you want an informed answer to these questions, here are some resources to consider: Sir Edward Gibbon on Christianity: The 18th-century…

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Builds 200-Mile Fence
EDITOR’S NOTE: Even this fence is a weak halfway measure. Even worse is the allowance of “certain” Syrian refugees to enter — which is an admission that Macedonia’s leaders still assume the existence of a “moral obligation” to welcome non-Whites into…

B’nai B’rith International: We Demand Condemnation of Greek Banner Calling Zionists “Enemies”
B’NAI B’RITH INTERNATIONAL, a Jewish racial and intelligence-gathering organization and pressure group, denounced a recent rally in Thessaloniki, Greece that featured signs and literature critical of Jews. (ILLUSTRATION: One of the banners at the protest, reading “There…