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The Bolivian Regime Change
A MILITARY ULTIMATUM has succeeded in deposing nationalist Bolivian president Evo Morales in what is being widely labeled a coup. Opposition parties — led by neo-liberal Carlos Mesa and a Korean Evangelical Pastor Chi Hyun Chung — protested against the election results late October when Evo Morales…

The FBI, the ADL, and Christina Long
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE NEED A GOVERNMENT. Every civilized nation needs a government. Certainly, there are independent people who just want to live out in the woods by themselves and not be bothered. They don’t need a government.
And there are weepy, wimpy, liberal types who whine, “Oh,…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 5
by William Gayley Simpson THERE ARE TWO items in the record that might give the critic pause. One of these is the success of the United States. The other is French Revolutionary theory, which for the first time undertook to place its claims above the reach of any record and to found them on natural, inborn,…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 1
by William Gayley Simpson Historically speaking, I believe there was no nation that could ever subsist on Democracy. This lesson will have to be learned under penalties. England will either have to learn it, or England will cease to exist among nations. (Thomas Carlyle) There were three principles…

Liberty and How to Get It
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 25, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom LIBERTARIANISM is a tempting philosophy for White Americans who are disgusted by what their government has become. Libertarians vary somewhat in their perspectives,…

Zuckerbergs: We Want Censorship not by Facebook, but by the Government
by Hadding Scott THERE WAS BIG CONTROVERSY following the publication by Recode on 18 July 2018 of a lengthy interview with the proprietor of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, wherein he told an interviewer, among other points having received less notice, that he would not ban “Holocaust denial” from Facebook,…

Thoughts on Government
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOME OF MY LISTENERS tell me that I talk too much about the Jews, that I blame them for too many things, that the Jews aren’t the only ones to be blamed for the wrecking of our civilization and our culture, that there are many Jews who aren’t involved in destructive activities,…

A Place at the Table for the Indigenous White Majority?
by Max Musson MOST PEOPLE don’t think very far beyond their own immediate needs and wants and those of their close families. As long as they have enough money to provide the warmth, food, light, shelter, and clothing they need, and a few modest luxuries, most people do not consider the distant consequences…

Italians Say Government Committing “Ethnic Replacement”
The Jewish power structure is the main entity that is making this happen. The non-Jew traitors involved are mostly hangers-on and careerists (but are nonetheless guilty). A strong force is needed to strike down this power structure. A million organized men could do it, with no need whatever for elections…

Why Governments Want a Central Bank-Issued Digital Currency
WHY DO central banks, which already fully control the issuance of currencies, need to bother with their own digital currencies?
Well, this question is both interesting and important. To answer it, we need first to understand some basics, the Digital Currency 101: Unlike Internet banking and third-party…