Posts Tagged
Government Corruption

Your Taskmasters
Best-selling novelist Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985; born Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell) was a prominent member of the John Birch Society in the 1960s, as was Dr. Oliver, and the two were acquainted. In 1931 she married her then-boss, Marcus Reback (an “immigrant from Russia”),…

Our Illegitimate Ruling Class: A Tale of Two Senators
William Cohen and his mulatto wife PERHAPS NO TWO figures better epitomize the kosher sandwich in action than former Maine Senators George J. Mitchell and William S. Cohen, Gentile and Jew, Democrat and Republican, equal and complementary slices of kosher bread in the neo-liberal order. They are,…

The Bolivian Regime Change
A MILITARY ULTIMATUM has succeeded in deposing nationalist Bolivian president Evo Morales in what is being widely labeled a coup. Opposition parties — led by neo-liberal Carlos Mesa and a Korean Evangelical Pastor Chi Hyun Chung — protested against the election results late October when Evo Morales…

Bad News and Good News
by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S BEGIN TODAY by reminding ourselves of something we talked about on this program two weeks ago, and that is the increasing corruption and politicization of America’s most important national security and law-enforcement organizations. We talked specifically…

The Club
One of Dr. Pierce’s most interesting and compelling messages; it answers the question: Why is it that the policies of all Western governments have been in almost perfect ideological lockstep for more than half a century? by Dr. William L. Pierce WE HAVE SPENT much of our time during the past three…

Getting Undocumented Communities Ready
WE’RE ABOUT TO BEGIN the process of deporting millions of illegal aliens, starting very, very soon. Yes, seven figures worth of foreign looters will be getting the old heave-ho, it’s now just a matter of weeks. Assuming we don’t get distracted by a war with Iran, are overruled by…

The Value of Truth and Righteousness
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST SATURDAY George Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly, urging all of the member nations to join the United States in bringing pressure to bear against countries that sponsor terrorism or harbor terrorists. He did it in his standard mock-serious way, barely…

Jeffrey Epstein: Part of Something Much Larger
by David Sims IT IS my opinion that Jeffrey Epstein is part of a Jewish conspiracy to control the US government. Not all of their leverage has to do with campaign financing and the financial improprieties thereunto pertaining. Some of it comes from blackmail for illegal drug trading, gun-smuggling,…

Israel’s Biggest Banks Helped US Jews Break Tax Laws
Banks in the Jewish state paying a record-setting over $1 billion in fines; Jewish-controlled “mainstream” media are silent. No one, of course, is going to jail. ISRAEL’S three largest banks — Hapoalim Bank, Leumi Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank — have all been ordered to pay record…

Subverting Freedom
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT to talk again about a growing threat to our freedom in America. In every White society, at all times, there have been people who valued freedom over comfort and security, and there have been people who valued comfort and security over freedom. Sometimes there are more…