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NATIONS ARE BEGINNING to take more seriously the control of their respective information space after years of allowing US-based and Jewish-controlled tech giants Google and Facebook to monopolize and exploit them. Vietnam, according to a recent GeekTime article, is the latest nation to begin…
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They show us objectionable ISIS videos in the controlled media piece below — but their real goal is demonizing, de-monetizing, isolating, and ultimately censoring all pro-White channels and content. AT&T, Verizon, Johnson & Johnson and other major U.S. advertisers are pulling…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 18, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN 1948, George Orwell wrote in his novel 1984 of “historians” and “librarians” whose job it was to erase inconvenient facts…
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Sites telling the truth about race and Jews to be demoted in search results, will be harder to find — while sites promoting the Jewish anti-White agenda will be promoted — as this controlled media article reveals. IN RECENT MONTHS, Google has confronted a new and unsettling trend: Its top…
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“They do things the CIA cannot.” JULIAN ASSANGE cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google — the insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity’s research — plays the dark hand role in furthering…
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I RECENTLY CAME across a fascinating video which goes into some detail on the increasing levels of Internet censorship, who is doing it and why, what their long term aims are and who ((They)) deem to be the gravest threat to their scheming. It’s depressing but I don’t know how much longer …
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Untrammeled logic and reason is “scary” and “racist,” according to this controlled media article. LET’S FACE IT: artificial intelligence is scary. After decades of dystopian science fiction novels and movies where sentient machines end up turning on humanity, we can’t…
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by John I. Johnson ON THE Google main page a few days ago, many of you saw, I am sure, the “tribute” image of Yuri Kochiyama — but probably few of you had ever heard of her before. Note the line of “protest signs” in the image spelling out the word “Equality”…
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As has happened — unheralded — many times in the past, private Jewish groups essentially dictate to governments and corporations and write our laws in advance. EUROPEAN JEWISH students are teaming with the New York-based Anti-Defamation League to expand the organization’s Cyber-Safety…
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Coincidence Detector used multiple brackets around a user’s name to identify them as Jewish. EDITOR’S NOTE: As this Jewish-controlled “mainstream” media article notes, Google also alters its supposedly “neutral” search algorithms to eliminate search results…
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