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Denationalized Elites
by Douglas Mercer NO GREATER tragedy can befall a people than to have denationalized elites. In the old days it would not be uncommon for the boss to marry his secretary. Nowadays he might have an affair with her, but it’s unlikely he would marry her and form a family with her. Assortative mating…

“Horrifically Catastrophic”: Report Finds So-Called U.S. War on Terror Has Displaced as Many as 59 Million People
This story just goes to show that as much as we, as national socialists, are the party of revolution and war against the establishment, we are just as much the party of peace on the global stage. The unbelievable mess in the Middle East today is, like every other humanitarian catastrophe, 100% on our opponents…

Coronavirus Avarice and the Madness of Globalism
Gordon Brown ON 26th March, the UK’s one-time unelected Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for an unelected ‘temporary’ global government. The genius who sold off Britain’s gold reserves at the lowest price in history now known in economics as ‘the Brown Bottom’…

Corona: Flattening the Curve
by Giuseppe Furioso and G. Michael Burns THE CURRENT Washington strategy of dealing with the coronavirus is to try and “flatten the curve” — i.e., stretch out the number of those infected so as not to overwhelm the medical system. This approach will not reduce the number of cases…

Napoleon: Minion of the Chaos, Executioner of the Peoples
Detail from Vasily Vereshchagin, Napoleon I on the Borodino Heights (1897). Oil on canvas, State Historical Museum, Moscow by Andrew Hamilton When speaking of Napoleon’s genius as a statesman, we must never forget (among other things) that it was he who finally reduced the Gallican Church…

Vetlanda Residents Informed of the True Opposition to Globalism
ON SATURDAY 25 May, members from Nest 7 gathered in Vetlanda, JönköpingCounty, to inform the local people there is a strong organisation which stands up for the Nordic folk against the globalist EU. “Against Globalism — Against the EU” There was a town festival on the day of activism, so there…

Science Is the Baby in the Bathwater of Modernity
by David Sims THE IDEOLOGY of modernity, and its offspring, globalism, might be partially correct in one way. That one way is the baby in the bathwater of that ideology. Modernity holds that science is the best way by which the truth might become known. The idea that truth is like the rain, carving many…

What Happened to America?
by Russell James IN THE middle of the 20th century, America was the envy of the world. A beacon of freedom, it was still rejoicing in its vibrant, post-war economy, its population had exploded due to the “baby boom,” and its people were the freest in the world. It was a nation aware, and justifiably…

Profile of a Jew Piece-of-Filth: On the New York Times’ “Conservative” David Brooks
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys,…

Immigration as Class Warfare and Ethnic Genocide
by Dissident Millennial IN CONTRAST to the Official Narrative™ about how great mass immigration supposedly is for the country, Neil Monroe provides a nice summary of the actual costs of such immigration on Americans who work for a living or are in need of employment:
“Four million…