Posts Tagged
George W. Bush

“And That’s the Beauty of America”
by Douglas Mercer “IMMIGRANTS have always been a part of the United States,” said Boy George Bush, subscribing to the current propaganda. Of course that’s not true at all; the idea that we are a “nation of immigrants” postdates the war (you know the one — the one…

The Value of Truth and Righteousness
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST SATURDAY George Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly, urging all of the member nations to join the United States in bringing pressure to bear against countries that sponsor terrorism or harbor terrorists. He did it in his standard mock-serious way, barely…

Destroying Order
by Dr. William L. Pierce GEORGE BUSH had his wife on television last Saturday drumming up public support for his war. The basic theme of her message was that the Taliban — and fundamentalist Muslims generally — don’t treat their women the way Politically Correct Americans believe…

Review of PBS Frontline’s The War Behind Closed Doors
by Hadding Scott WHILE I WAS in the midst of trying to publicize the Jewish instigation and the folly of invading Iraq in early 2003 as an occasional writer of scripts for American Dissident Voices, PBS Frontline presented a rather helpful documentary called The War Behind Closed Doors, written by…