Posts Tagged
George Soros

Let the Assassins Commence
by Robert Stuart “GAY” FRENCH sex pervert and chronic denizen of San Francisco bath houses Michel Foucalut once said “society must be defended.” He was being sarcastic of course. He didn’t want society to be defended; he wanted society to collapse. He wanted it to…

Secure and Wholesome
A philanthropic group based by billionaire investor George Soros this week pledged $220 million to help “dismantle systemic racism” — with over a 3rd of the dough earmarked to teams and cities pushing to “reimagine public security.” LET’S PULL BACK the curtain and see who is behind the organized…

Hungarian Government to Outlaw Settling an “Alien Population” in that Country
THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has introduced a constitutional amendment to its parliament which will make it constitutionally illegal to settle any “alien population” in that country — and which will make it a jailable offense to in any way help or assist illegal invaders. The new law — introduced on Tuesday…

Viktor Orban: “We Do Not Want to be Mixed with Others, We are Fine the Way We are Now”
It is good to see some fight in central and southern Europe, and the idea that the invaders must be removed from Europe is a pleasant sign of sanity. But basing one’s values on Christianity is a mistake that makes Whites extremely vulnerable. POPULATION TRANSFER is under way in Europe, partly to…

Italy to Invaders: “Get Ready to Pack Your Bags”
It is good to hear “the ‘good time’ for illegals is over,” but disappointing to hear the language of “moderation,” such as “we will not take a hard line on immigration but one of common sense,” and the emphasis on trafficking profiteers rather than…

On Jews, Globalism and Elites
What Really is a Globalist? Globalists aren’t God’s chosen people. They just think they are. by Emmanuel Spraguer Now that the [Inter]National Review and countless other fake news outlets have smeared President Trump for using the term “globalist” and have attempted to deceive you …

If Left Unchecked, the Problem of Goyim Noticing Inevitably Becomes One of Goyim Knowing
YOU REALLY HAVE to marvel at the extent of Jewish Privilege these days. They’ve already secured a status quo in which anyone publicly drawing attention to Jewish power becomes persona non grata: disavowed by former acquaintances and colleagues, hounded from jobs or public life. But that’s not enough.…

A Confluence of Crises
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE ARE LIVING in interesting times, and they become more interesting almost by the day. I want take a look today at a surprising confluence of developments around the world. The most interesting recent development here in the United States, of course, has been the bottom dropping…

Judea Declares War on Hungary
WE ARE FIGHTING for our survival and future against an enemy with almost unlimited resources, from shekels to worthless brown outsiders to act as foot soldiers. Fractional reserve banking and fiat currency have become the bullets and bombs, rapefugees and enemygrants the shock troops. Most Western…

Good News Monday: Hungary Resists Jewish Attacks
I HAVEN’T DONE a “Good News Monday” in quite awhile, sometimes due to the lack of material that really called out to me but generally from a need to shine a spotlight on a fresh kosher outrage rather than indulge in some complacent optimism. It was somewhat surprising, then, that today…