Posts Tagged
George Lincoln Rockwell

On George Lincoln Rockwell
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I FIRST CONTACTED George Lincoln Rockwell (pictured) in 1964. At the time I was teaching physics at Oregon State University and I was beginning to wonder what in the world was going on as the turmoil and chaos known today as the “civil rights revolution” got underway.…

Varieties of White Religious Experience
by Andrew Hamilton
IT SEEMS highly significant that so many who become active in the racialist cause finally feel more or less compelled to search for a spiritual foundation upon which to solidly ground their beliefs and ultimately their entire approach to life.
Cosmotheism, the Church of the Creator,…

One Reason for Our Failure to Flourish: Illegal Harassment by the Federal Government
by James Harting
THERE are many threads and posts on Stormfront discussing the failure of the White Nationalist movement to flourish, despite the fact that a large plurality (and perhaps even a clear majority) of White Americans agree with our core values.
But here is one reason — absolutely…

George Lincoln Rockwell and American National Socialism
by Malcolm P. Shiel
THIS NEW video by Omniphi celebrates the life and work of George Lincoln Rockwell and was produced on March 9, 2015 — what would have been Rockwell’s 97th birthday. A talented advertising man and artist, and a compelling…

Russell Maguire, The American Mercury, and Racially-Conscious Conservatism
by Andrew Hamilton
RUSSELL MAGUIRE WAS AN ANTI-JEWISH, pro-White, multimillionaire businessman active in American conservative circles in the 1950s and ’60s, primarily through the publication of the well-known American Mercury magazine.
In 1956 Maguire (pictured above) hired future American…