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George Lincoln Rockwell


by George Lincoln Rockwell Introductory Note: This essay first appeared in the inaugural issue of National Socialist World (Spring, 1966), journal of the World Union of National Socialists. There are multiple online versions of this essay available. However, as with many of Lincoln Rockwell’s…
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AudioAudio BooksWilliam Pierce

by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL (pictured) had a profound influence over the thinking and the destiny of William L. Pierce — and therefore, as Pierce’s colleague Kevin Alfred Strom once remarked, potentially over the future course of Life in the…
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by James Harting FOLLOWING THE Second World War, the Jews were successful in completely brainwashing American Whites concerning Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. This was essentially the continuation of wartime and prewar Jewish propaganda. That is, the Jews continued to fight the propaganda…
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EssaysHadding Scott

A bold man speaks frankly to a deceptive, cringing, wilting pansy. by Hadding Scott SOME PEOPLE are direct and say what they mean. Others find ways to be odious while remaining formally gentle and polite. Listen to this ten-minute clip of George Lincoln Rockwell’s 9 May 1965 appearance on Michael…
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by James Harting THE “Chicago White People’s Uprising” is the name given to a series of events that took place in the summer of 1966. Beginning in July, and stretching through into September, White workers, homeowners and youth took to the streets of that city to physically defend their neighborhoods…
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by Martin Kerr THE BASIC MEANING of the word “history,” as most people understand, it is “the record of past events.” That is close to the truth, but a more exact definition would be, “the record of past events that are remembered.” The truth is that human memory, whether individual or collective, is…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Correction: We have been informed by Volker Zorn, probably the most knowledgeable living man on the subject of American National Socialism, that this piece has been improperly attributed for years to George Lincoln Rockwell. He writes: “It is a matter of established historic fact that these…
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by Andrew Hamilton A COLORFUL yet enigmatic figure in the postwar American racialist movement was the well-to-do anti-Jewish businessman DeWest “West” Hooker (1918–1999). His portrait emerges primarily through self-descriptions he provided to leading white activists (the most notable of…
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In the 1960s, William Luther Pierce worked closely with George Lincoln Rockwell and served as editor of National Socialist World. by James Harting THIS WEEK is the 98th anniversary of the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell who was born on March 9th, 1918. He was the founder of the American Nazi Party (which…
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Only three months before his assassination, George Lincoln Rockwell reaches out to American students on the dangers of Jewish subversion GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL, in this very good quality recording from May 16, 1967, tells students at UCLA the basic facts of Jewish influence. Despite the fact…
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