Posts Tagged

George Lincoln Rockwell

Classic Essays

George Lincoln Rockwell by George Lincoln Rockwell The following article was written by Lincoln Rockwell, commander of the World Union of National Socialists, in 1959, three years before the formation of the World Union with Colin Jordan in the Cotswold, England, in 1962 and then revised for publication
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Classic Essays

by George Lincoln Rockwell I. We believe that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for material gain and comfort, without any goal which he believes is greater than himself, and for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egotism. This goal was formerly provided by fundamentalist religions,…
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THERE ONCE WAS A MAN who fought against Adolf Hitler. In 1940 he left college to join the U.S. Navy, so he could fight and kill Germans and help destroy their Leader. Starting out as an ordinary recruit, he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming a full naval commander. Serving in two wars, he won nine…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott SOME PEOPLE are direct and say what they mean. Others find ways to be odious while remaining formally gentle and polite.

Hear a ten minute clip of George Lincoln Rockwell’s 9 May 1965 appearance on Michael Jackson’s talkshow on KNX Los Angeles. There is a clash of worldviews…
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Introduction: August 25, 2018, marks the 51st anniversary of the assassination of George Lincoln Rockwell. Rockwell is the father of both contemporary, post-1945 National Socialism, as well as the modern White Nationalist movement. Unfortunately, many people new to National Socialism know little…
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MARCH 9 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell. He was the founder of post-World War II American National Socialism, and the father of the contemporary White Nationalist movement. Commander Rockwell (as he is known) was born in Bloomington, a small city in central Illinois,…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell, we present William Pierce’s piece on his life and work. by Dr. William L. Pierce ON THE eighteenth of June, 1945, a little over six weeks after the death of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess wrote the following words in a letter to his wife,…
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by Martin Kerr “The Rockwell Years” WHEN DISCUSSING Movement history, the period 1959-1967 is commonly referred to as “The Rockwell Years,” and rightly so. George Lincoln Rockwell first raised the Swastika banner in Arlington, Virginia, on March 8, 1959, and he was assassinated there…
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This is a slightly edited and expanded text of the remarks made by NEW ORDER Chief of Staff Martin Kerr at the Matt Koehl Memorial Meeting held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 14, 2017, marking the third anniversary of his death. by Martin Kerr NATIONAL SOCIALIST Comrades: We are gathered here to…
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by Martin Kerr Introduction FOR GOOD OR FOR ILL, the German American Bund was the primary exponent of open National Socialism in the US prior to America’s entry into the War. After the voluntary dissolution of the Bund on December 8, 1941, there was no open advocacy of the National Socialist worldview…
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