Posts Tagged
George H.W. Bush

Dr. Pierce’s Open Letter to George H.W. Bush
With the 24/7 love fest of George H.W. Bush going on, I was reminded of WLP’s not-very-complimentary “Open Letter to George Bush,” written during the first Gulf war, Desert Storm. It gives a different view of Bush 41 than the mush America is getting dished up this week. — Will…

The Rampaging Outlaw
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE TRIBUNAL in Tel-Aviv-on-the-Potomac has upheld a lower court, which sentenced Manuel Antonio Noriega, the former President of Panama, to forty years in prison for having offended Lord Bushy. That was to be expected, since, as we all know, the function of the Revolutionary Tribunal…

The Stars in Their Courses
by Revilo P. Oliver
BUSHY’S HOMICIDAL spree in Iraq has taught us lessons that must be learned by everyone who is interested in his own future.
The American boobs were given a conclusive demonstration of the serfdom which they have brought upon themselves. There was not even a pretence of consulting…

The Bear in the Bush
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE CHANGE in the cast of the perpetual comedy staged in the White House was of some minor importance. (ILLUSTRATION: Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush)
Old Ronnie was a stupid galoot. According to Newsweek, he at least once sent a letter of condolence to one of the fictitious characters…

Surprise! Surprise?
The Middle East quagmire explained as it happened; October 1990
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) IT IS NOT remarkable that Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait took me by surprise, but we are assured that the Jews’ government in Washington was equally surprised. That is hard to believe.…
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) IT IS NOT remarkable that Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait took me by surprise, but we are assured that the Jews’ government in Washington was equally surprised. That is hard to believe.…

The Los Angeles Riots
by Revilo P. Oliver (1992)
MY ARTICLE on Negro superiority in the May issue of Liberty Bell was in print before events in Los Angeles gave it an emphatic confirmation.
Consider what happened. If, let us say, an Italian had led the police on a breakneck chase at a hundred miles an hour, been stopped by a roadblock…