Posts Tagged
Friedrich Nietzsche
Tucker Carlson’s Non-Denial Denialism of the Holocaust
Operation Barbarossa: Germany moves to crush world Communism. by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. WELL, THE JEWISH LOBBY is at it again. In the latest kerfuffle over “Holocaust denial,” Jews and their sycophants are in an uproar over a podcast interview aired on September 2 in which Tucker Carlson spoke at length…
Nietzsche and Wagner by Douglas Mercer ADOLF HITLER FAMOUSLY SAID that one could not understand National Socialism without understanding Wagner; that is very true; of Nietzsche he said he could do nothing with him; this latter is not strictly true — with his notion of the all-importance of whatever…
Old Tablets and New: Two Decalogues for the White Race
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.
O my brothers, break, break the old tablets! (Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra 3.12.10)
ACCORDING TO Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow…
Higher, Better, and Higher Still
by David Sims WHEN I SORT MORAL perspectives in terms of quality, the lowest of them all is the slave morality of Christianity. Christianity caught on first among the slaves of the late Roman Empire. Because they were too cowardly to pursue what they really wanted, they turned self-denial, self-abasement,…
Our Political Message in Select Quotations
Background: For some time I’ve been working on a companion website (not yet active) to function as a kind of National Socialist resource guide and syllabus for the uninitiated. Mostly the site will be a collection of links, organized by topic, to what I consider the best writings on the most important…
Wotan Has Put a Hard Heart in My Breast
an extract from Friedrich Nietzsche
introduced and translated by H.L. Mencken THE CIVILIZATION which existed in Europe before the dawn of Christianity was a culture based upon master-morality, and so we find that the theologians and moralists of those days esteemed a certain action as right only…
introduced and translated by H.L. Mencken THE CIVILIZATION which existed in Europe before the dawn of Christianity was a culture based upon master-morality, and so we find that the theologians and moralists of those days esteemed a certain action as right only…
Nietzsche on the Jews
Friedrich Nietzsche, by Edvard Munch by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. PHILOSPHERS, as a rule, are a rather low-key bunch. They generally discuss mundane, technical, or utterly abstract topics that cause little concern among society at large. Of course there were exceptions, primarily during the Renaissance…
The Difficulty of Finding Oneself
Keep this passage in mind when you get doxxed… “Dare only to believe in thyself — in thyself and in thine inward parts! He who doth not believe in himself always lieth! What saith thy Conscience? — ‘Thou shalt become what thou art.’” But over and over again Nietzsche stressed the difficulty of “finding…
Ragnar Redbeard, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the Will-to-Power
by James Harting I SEE THAT Ragnar Redbeard’s 1896 tome Might Is Right is being discussed again. It was referenced in the manifesto of a “mass shooter” in California, and a new “authoritative” edition has been published. Over on Counter-Currents, an enthusiast has described it as “Holy Writ” (Mighty…
Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior — Twilight of the Idols (Part 4 of 4)
Everyone familiar with the world of ideas has heard the term “Nietzschean” invoked as an allusion to the purported beliefs of the great German philosopher, but what does this term really mean and why does it matter? In part four of Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior, National Vanguard will consider…