Posts Tagged

Free Speech


Courage of property owner puts Washington regime — which opens our borders to invaders — to shame. NOBLESVILLE, Ind. – A controversy is brewing in Noblesville over a sign that some are calling racist. First Amendment or hate? That’s the question surrounding the sign in…
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What’s left of the Constitutional right to free speech would be illegally abrogated if the current Jewish push for “hate speech” laws is successful. SINCE 1994 people convicted of federal crimes motivated by the ‘actual or perceived’ identity of victims have faced…
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EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom SOME PEOPLE — most notably lobbyists for the world’s wealthiest ethnic group — would like to see “speech codes,” which make it a punishable offense to criticize persons who belong to certain “protected classes,” enacted into law in the United States. (ILLUSTRATION: James Madison…
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Political elites and super-bureaucrats are worried. It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality. A HISTORY STITCHED together by lies and cover-ups, political assassinations, slight-of-hand false flag deceptions, secret societies, dual loyalties and stolen fortunes — this has been…
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Despite his pandering to Israel on numerous occasions, Wikipedia’s Wales is right to oppose US government surveillance. THE WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION, the organization that operates the wildly popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia, says user privacy has been violated and that it’s…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Suppression of freedom of speech is a long-term goal of the Jewish supremacists, and one that has been achieved in many nations already. by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIME SOON Americans will lose their freedom of speech. When it happens, most of them won’t even notice. After an intense and carefully…
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Malcolm P. ShielReports

by M.P. Shiel FOLLOWING the lead of Matt Stempeck (pictured), a Jewish developer of “truth determination” software, Google is planning to dramatically lower the search rankings of Web sites that express opinions not deemed “truthful” by quasi-official “fact…
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by David Carothers ARE AMERICANS a free people or are they not? — that is the question. Do Americans still have the right to petition their government for redress of grievances, or do they not? These questions were answered on the morning of March 10 when this writer received a knock on his door.…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
originally published in Free Speech magazine, Volume I, Number 3, March 1995 TODAY LET’S TALK about “racism” and related matters. There’s hardly a subject the average White person is more uptight about, hardly a subject that makes him…
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