Posts Tagged

Free Speech


Behold the state of Jewish television. Question: What do CNN professionals lose their shit over? (A) The mass, state-sanctioned rape of Europe by Muslim colonists? (B) The unprecedented corporate assault on freedom of speech throughout the West? . . . or (C) An asinine comment about a man liking boobs?…
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THE CRIMINALIZATION OF political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the West. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed…
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ABOUT 50 members of the German Identitarian movement stormed the offices of the Justice Ministry in Berlin on Friday in protest against a massive crackdown on freedom of speech in Germany. The group arrived in a rental truck carrying a 32-foot ladder and tried to climb onto the roof of the ministry, while…
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And so, under pressure, censors and removes historical works of which Jews disapprove; how large will their “banned list” get? What are the Jews hiding? Truth does not fear investigation. Editorial Note by Kevin Alfred Strom: Giant, oligopolic sites such as Amazon are de facto public…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 18, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY WE WELCOME to our ADV microphones a man who has been much in the news lately, both in his own United Kingdom and in the United States — a man who has…
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by Ian Millard Background SOME TIME AGO, in late 2016, I was invited to address the London Forum. At that time I had only very peripherally heard of it. This is how it describes itself: “The London Forum is a non-party aligned conference group for nationalists, identitarians, thinkers and commentators…
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IN FRANCE, as in many other countries, Jews are the principal architects of the laws designed to suppress free speech. In particular, they agitated for laws that would allow complaints to be registered and pursued by third party associations based on notions such as group libel or collective defamation.…
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by Michael Walsh SUMMARY justice; defence and appeal prohibited. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) now denies access to Mike Walsh books. This is a stark reminder of the dark labyrinths we are all entering. The flickering lights in the world of ethnic-Europeans are being snuffed out one by one;…
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TWITTER alternative Gab is facing censorship from the tech industry on two fronts. Twitter apparently no longer allows sharing between the two social media platforms, while Apple rejected the GAB IOS app on the grounds that it includes user-posted pornographic content, a problem shared by all social…
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The author of this openly pro-censorship screed is “Lord” Daniel Finklestein, a Jew, Conservative Party figure, and an editor at Britain’s Times newspaper. The Jews’ arrogance knows no bounds and will be their undoing again, as it often has been in the past. TWITTER AND…
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