Posts Tagged
Free Speech

What’s Important
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A COUPLE OF WEEKS ago we talked about the case of a young German musician, Hendrik Möbus, who was arrested by the Clinton government’s secret police while he was my guest in West Virginia. I told you that the reason for the arrest was an extradition request from the German…

Shakespeare and Democracy: Our Culture is Not Being Passed On to Future Generations
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities.
There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare…

No Free Speech for the Goyim: The Jews Escalate Their Zio-Supremacist War on Our Ancient Liberties
Boycotting Israel is the Right Thing to Do
Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review
Tracking the consequences of Israel’s apparent conviction that it should never be bound by the rules and conventions that constrain the behavior of other countries sometimes leads one into dark places. The daily torments inflicted…

Video of the Day: American Renaissance Files Historic Lawsuit to End Twitter’s ADL-Censorship of Free Speech
American Renaissance Files Lawsuit Against Twitter
Logan Crow | Occidental Dissent
Yesterday, American Renaissance filed a lawsuit against Twitter in State Superior Court of San Fransisco. The famous Las Vegas-based first amendment attorney Marc J. Randazza is handling the lawsuit. Noah…

Germany and America (Classic ADV Broadcast, 1999)
by Dr. William L. Pierce
LAST WEEK we talked about conditions in Germany, where I had been to address a congress of the National Democratic Party of Germany. I emphasized two things: the racial and cultural degradation of Germany during 54 years of rule by an Occupation government and the lack of freedom…

Fighting Together for the Future: On Occupied Germany (1999)
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS WEEK I was in Germany. I was there to participate in a congress of the youth division of the National Democratic Party of Germany: the NPD. I had been invited to address the congress. Now, don’t let that word “democratic” in the name of the party fool you.…

The Truth About Hitler’s Germany and What Its Annihilation Did to Our Most Essential Liberties
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TWO WEEKS AGO my organization, the National Alliance, held a small, peaceful demonstration at the German Embassy in Washington. On Sunday, July 29, we had about 70 men and women carrying signs in front of the embassy protesting the lack of civil liberties for dissidents in Germany.…

Save Net Neutrality: Why Net Neutrality Is Necessary for White Advocacy
by Russell James
SINCE THE RECENT announcement that Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is almost certainly going to do away with net neutrality when they vote on the issue on December 14, pundits on every side of the issue have been weighing in with their opinions. This contributes to…

University of Minnesota: Police Called on White Students Who Said “Tranny” on Campus Radio Station
Station manager blatantly lied, stating it was “against FCC rules” to use the word on the air.
IN THE MINDS of administrators at the University of Minnesota-Morris, saying “tranny” is an arrestable offense.
A manager at the college called the police on two students and had…

The Jews and the Senators
by Dr. William L. Pierce
SOMETIMES THE MOST important things occur virtually unnoticed, while people’s attention is focused on things of no consequence. Last week, while everyone was glued to his television screen, oohing and ahing over Hurricane Floyd and watching the huge traffic jams of…