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Sam Bankman-Fiend
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 October, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE OLD ENGLISH PROVERB “give the devil his due” applies to one great moment of self-insight expressed by Jewish con man extraordinaire Sam Bankman-Fried, recently revealed in Michael Lewis’s book…

Israël, Terre d’Asile de la Grande Arnaque
Butin récupéré par la police française suite au démantèlement en 2020 d’un réseau criminel de grande envergure basé en Israël A French translation of Andrew Joyce’s “Israel: a Refuge for Swindlers.” Since this article can no longer be published in France with any assurance…

Israel: a Refuge for Swindlers
Criminal proceeds recovered from a mass Israeli-run fraud ring by French police, 2020 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. “MOST OF THE JEWS are thieves.” Thus said the founding father of Israel, David Ben Gurion, when he heard about Jewish soldiers carrying Persian rugs from freshly looted Arab properties…

USS Liberty: Our Masters Reserve the Right to Kill Us at Any Time
Ernie Gallo speaks during one of the many events set up to get justice for the Americans attacked by Israel on 8 June 1967. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 June, 2022…

You Need a Team
Susan Wojcicki, the Jewess whose company, YouTube, makes money off fraud, deception, bullying, and cruelty such as that practiced by “Niko Omilana.” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 May, 2022…

A Rabbi Admits: Jewish Orthodox Welfare Fraud Is Massive
FROM Rabbi Yossi N.’s Facebook page: ONE OF THE most troubling aspects of today’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish community is the systemic fraud perpetuated by so-called frumme Yidden. This fraud, also known as geneivishe shtick, comes in many varieties and…

The Great Cheat of 2020 Update: Michigan
We all know Detroit’s city motto — Detroit: Where they make cars during the day, and steal at night. Looks like like cash and liquor aren’t the only things they steal. by David Sims THE TWO Republican officials who bowed to pressure (threats made against their children) to certify…

The Great Cheat of 2020: More, More, More
by David Sims AFTER LOOKING around at the emerging picture regarding the history of election fraud, I have the impression that the Democrats couldn’t win a race for county dogcatcher without sneaky-getting admin access to the voting machines and faking votes on behalf of everyone who died in…

Who Does That
AS OUR country falls apart and becomes Zimbabwe with worse weather we’ll at least know who to blame. That’s right: White supremacists. They’re everywhere, voting cuckservative, impotently protesting massive and brazen corruption and causing all the staggering failures of…

Ain’t Democracy Grand?
Ilhan Omar by David Sims ILHAN Omar, a non-White Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, apparently has been caught buying votes for cash. Project Veritas reports that Somali immigrants to Minneapolis have been approached by persons associated with Omar and…