Posts Tagged
Francis Parker Yockey
Francis Parker Yockey’s Philosophy as an Example of Culture Distortion
A portion of the table of contents from Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium by Andrew Hamilton EVEN BROADLY sympathetic authors of mixed-race background who are tarred as “haters” by Jewry and the government can introduce distortions into otherwise straightforward discussions of race, thereby leading…
Collaboration Between Francis Parker Yockey and James Madole
by James Harting TODAY IT IS widely recognized that the National Renaissance Party reprinted articles by Francis Parker Yockey in the National Renaissance Bulletin during the early 1950s, such as “What Is behind the Hanging of 11 Jews in Prague?” In most cases, the material by Yockey that NRP leader…
We Know The True American Type And We Know The Liberal
by Francis Parker Yockey THE EARLY AMERICAN arrived at a land of which he knew nothing. He did not know its geography, its fertility, its climate, its dangers. In the North, he encountered forests, rocky soil, and winters of a rigor he had not known before. In the South, he met with swamps, malaria, and…
On Propaganda in America
by Francis Parker Yockey FAR MORE important to Europe than the propaganda about domestic affairs in America is that about foreign affairs. The numen “democracy” is used also in this realm as the essence of reality. A foreign development sought to be brought about is called “spreading…
The Shadow of Empire: Francis Parker Yockey After Twenty Years
by Revilo P. Oliver IN 1857, less than fifty thousand British troops overawed and held in check the whole of the teeming subcontinent of India while suppressing the mutiny of almost a quarter of a million sepoys, native troops whom they had trained and armed. Less than a hundred years later, the British,…
The Enemy of Our Enemies, part 6
Devastated Berlin, 1945 A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (section 6) by Revilo P. Oliver Read the earlier parts of this book. The Dying and the Dead IF YOCKEY had not been hounded to death by the Jews and were alive today, would he take again, without variation, the oath he took in…
The Black Pill: Yockey and the End of History
by James Shellshear FRANCIS PARKER Yockey was born a hundred years ago this year, and his masterpiece, Imperium, was written seventy years ago. It is appropriate, then, to re-examine Yockey’s work and ask the question: Did his predictions turn out to be right? Yockey believed, at the time of writing …
The Enemy of Our Enemies, part 5
A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (section 5) by Revilo P. Oliver
The Third Side of the Coin
WE HAVE, I think, followed Yockey and Robertson in drawing logical conclusions from the evidence before us. But all of our evidence – what we are told and what we are not told – comes from either…
The Enemy of Our Enemies: A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (Section 4)
by Revilo P. Oliver
The Heartland
FOR YOCKEY, both kinds of colonies have only a secondary importance. The attitudes and cultural vitality of Europeans who have established themselves in other continents are determined by the power and vitality of their mother country. European dominion…
The Enemy of Our Enemies: A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (Section 3)
by Revilo P. Oliver PART IIOne Europe THERE IS A modicum of truth in the frowsty verbiage about “One World” that used to excite women’s clubs. It has always been obvious that there is only one earth, (1) but although an educated Roman in the first century B.C. could dream of a day when…